Why are her nipple pink it make her look like a white girl in blackface. We need dark nipple representation
first of all OP wasnt even rude about their comment so they're not ruining anything. second, you're obviously white because only a cracker would be bothered by someone commenting about something that literally concerns them. "sToP MakiNg iT aBout rEpResEnTatiON and RaCe" um it's already about race since there are literally POC women in the webtoon. take your ignorance and bigotry somewhere else
What is your problem? your obviously some white ignorant person to be saying don't make everything about interpretation. it doesn't make sense to be black with pink nipples so next time don't comment without thinking. The artist made a mistake and someone is pointing out. stop being ignorant and accept that your obviouslt racist
I don't like that he fucked her when she said she wasn't feeling it even tho she was probably talking about the gay sex