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Am I the only one who thinks that the age gap is too big between them?

In real life? Probably. It's not a given that it won't work, but it is an issue. But a lot of couples have issues and they can break them apart at some point, doesn't mean that you shouldn't try it anyway. Be together as long as you both love and enjoy it. But ending things before theyeven started just because you think it won't last is a waste. You never know :) Take the chance!

An 18 year gap is huge. In the real world, it would be incredibly hard for an 18 yo and a 38 yo to relate. They're at two very different points in life and have very few experiences in common. Can it work? Yes, but very rarely at that specific age. 18 is barely an adult and I can't imagine a relationship at that age with someone two decades older would be balanced.

Yes, totally a rare thing. I usually won't work to easy, sinceas you said they are at completely different points of life, but with some it might and can :) But that's insanely rare I guess. My aunt was together with a guy 20 years younger than she was. And 3 years younger than I was xD It worked alright I'd say, but only for a year. But hey, that year was nice for them and it's more than others manage sometimes :p
I want Chanwoo to leave so bad why is he inflicting this to himself, I just know he was hurt as shit when MD make him compete with that former sub
The thing is, he ignored MD's feelings too. He literally jumped at the the site of his 'ideal' and didnt spare a second thought. He needs to learn how to respect himself and i think that's what MD is plotting.
Respect himself ? That’s his life maybe according to your values that seems bad but I don’t see anything wrong like yes he does rush but still he’s an adult and can make his decisions ? Just bc MD was rejected doesn’t mean he has the right to take it out on him.
sis say it louder? i don’t understand why everyone thinks md is in the right here like rejecting md (which is his right bc he had no obligation to date him what so ever) is not equal to deserving borderline abuse? yes ik they’re in a s and m relationship but this seems cruel and i don’t feel anyone is really getting pleasure out of it. alsoooo we know chanwoo has issues with abuse and probably abandonment so just “leaving” probably isn’t so simple for him.
It's not just about rushing into it. In the previous chapters even though he was in pain, he refused to say the safe word even though MD pushed it. We havent seen his past yet but he's clearly not giving himself enough credit