First off, I just wanna say I'm already intreseted in this story and as a fujoshi...this'll probably be the second time I actually want the woman to win (first is The Duchess with an Empty Soul)
But what this comment is really about is the fact that BABY has BLONDE hair! Last time I check, both the King and the Queen had black hair and only the concubine had blonde hair so...is that baby his?!
Did they force this poor woman to have sex with her husbands lover so that he can have a child with him?! Cause thats absolutly disgusting! You already locked her up and now you're forcing her to give birth to the baby that she probably won't raise and is the son of her husbands lover?! Thats messed up...
Thats probably why she looked at the baby like that and why the King brought the concubine to see the baby. That must be an awful feeling and I really feel bad for her.

The female lead is kind of annoying, like I know she wants to raise him with love so that he doesn't become a villain but she it seems like she doesn't know him at all! Like people look at you shocked every time they hear you call him innocent the first time and the Duke himself straight up told you the kid isn't normal yet she still doesn't listen! She doesn't even ask him what he did to say that, just assumes that he's talking bad about his kid for no reason. Like come on lady, does he look like the man to do that?! Also, she got so upset over the fact that he was drinking poison that she forgot that they told her he took it DAILY meaning everyday that she's spent with, he was poisoned and didn't act different so why are you flipping out now?! I lowkey hope that he does get poisoned (Doesn't die though) just so that she can see why they were doing it and how its important because she's obviously failed go realise how disliked her family is and how many people try to kill them.

For me you have a point somehow but, let's not forget that the kid is acting nice purposely when she's around? How would you think that innocent face like that have two face character? And from the very start she thinks that the Duke is not a good person so why would she believe the person she can't trust? And about the poison incident even if they told her that the kid is taking that poison everyday she would think that he was forced to do that. Personally I like kids a lot, call me a idiot or what but if I were in her situation right now I will believe that he's innocent especially if I will saw the innocent face he's doing right now. We can all just say this right now cause we knew the situation already unlike her. But for a reader's point of view I would say that she's really making herself idiot right now for getting fooled like this.

Everyone in this story is stupid! I don't know how it ends but I don't think I'm going to understand it anyway! Its been like 80 chapters and the description still doesn't match the story! And the characters omg the characters. Why the hell does ML think that it is perfectly fine to basically force this woman to be his wife and leave her alone at any time of day for an unknown period of time with no explanation! And then when she does find out where he is, he's always with another woman! Why the hell is he ALWAYS with another woman! And he some how expects her to understand?! And You-er is no better! He constantly does this, she forgives him and then wants to get all suprise pikachu face when he does it again! Like girl come on! And tbh at this point why is she still assuming he's cheating on her? Like he does this so many times and its proven to be for work yet every single time she finds out he's with a woman she assumes he's cheating on her! I could go on and on about how retarded everyone is in this story but I don't have time for that.
But I'm still going to try finish this story aren't I? sigh...
I know Ain is going to get annoyed with this at some point. Like the poison he can over come that but he is not going to change everything in his schedule for her. Play?! You think this boy worried about playing?! He doesn't look bored to me. I understand why she thought it would be a good idea but she needs to realize that this isn't the 21st century and this family specfically don't have time to play. She knows they are disliked and if she keeps trying to change him into a 'normal child' it's going to go one of two ways: 1) He's going to crack and end up revealing his inner self in the worst way possible or 2) he's going to get hurt because instead of doing what he needs to, to protect himself, he would have been playing.