thehumansin December 30, 2020 2:14 pm

Ngl not a huge fan of the relationship, like idt there was enough build up and im just not feeling it and i dont rlly care abt it lol. But im super interested in the world and weird story the author has set up in strangely well thought out detail (esp for a smut) I just wanted to read a few chapters out of curiosity (like the concept is wtf) but continued because everything about this story is so weird, smut and everything.
I think the thing that bothers me the most is Koichi being called “bride” and treated like the “woman” all the time. Not into stuff like that.
And at this point im reading it for Baro LMAOOO

    thehumansin December 30, 2020 2:21 pm

    Oh also i care abt the relationship for a silly giant kink smut because the author clearly put a strange amount of emotions into it, that im very obv supposed to care about, but i just dont and when i dont care abt the characters/relationship i just str8 up dont care about the smut part, it just becomes boring and frustrating lollll.

thehumansin December 29, 2020 12:27 am

I read this, just cuz and it seemed like it was getting good responses but ITS SO FUCKING CUTE, IM SO MAD I CAME THIS EARLY CUZ I DONT WANNA HAVE TO WAIT FOR UPDATES!!
The arts really cute, it reminds me of old japanese manga BL i love it! And i love the cute friends developing feelings plot its really adorable.
Also I literally screamed out loud when i learned about the spin-off!! The side character bl stories are always my favorites and i swear if someone doesnt translate and upload it soon i might implode
Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

thehumansin December 26, 2020 10:49 am

I started reading this manga a long while ago and really liked it but it was never really one of my faves. I stopped reading BL for a couple years and am currently rereading stories I remember enjoying (pandemic got me bored asf)
Like first off I'm genuinely invested in the plot and all the other characters. I dont know if there were some missing chapters, or if I just str8 up went braindead while reading the non-BLish parts but I dont remember a lot of it from when i was reading a long while back. And maybe its that I'm way older now, but I'm genuinely invested in some of the shenanigans that happens now lol.
Also this romance is such a well developed slow burn. I think it really uses it's characters (specifically the main two) and their personalities and trauma really well (at least for a yaoi series) and integrates things into the stories pretty smoothly
The trauma that Yashiro suffers from is fucking tragic and super well integrated into his character and relationship with Domeki AND THEIR BIG SEX SCENE TOGETHER IS BETTER THAN LIKE ANY REGULAR SMUT IVE EVER READ. Its just such a well earned sex scene that demonstrates really well where both of them stand in their trauma and feelings for each other. Its fucking beautiful. ヾ(☆▽☆)
It was a little confusing at first, and I wish it did a better job at character introductions, but once you get to know and remember who everyone is things really do get interesting.
Another big criticism I have is the scenes of Yashiro being raped as a literal child. I wish they werent as detailed, because it was really uncomfortable and felt like it was bordering on fetishizing it. It also didn't help they were incorporated right during sex scenes and stuff like that :p. I feel like the same message could have been gotten across with less detail yknow?
But yea I really enjoy this series (and I have also read some of this mangakas other works and they are also really good lol) and I cant wait to see updates.
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

thehumansin December 22, 2020 2:22 pm

Okay i read this just on a whim because i wasnt expecting shion to switch back to a guy as much as he did, but this is actually really cute!! Like i love pan rui who loves shion no matter the gender lol, and i liked girl shion a lot too lol, shes rlly cute! Especially how she still has guyish mannerisms, like how she stands and stuff even when shes a girl.
Actually surprisingly good series so far, i was expecting it to be way weirder

thehumansin December 21, 2020 7:19 am

OKAY WAIT WTF. I hate to admit but these smut chapters actually add so much. Like Wolfgang shows he cares about Shin in a lot of different ways, but I think the smut parts help show how much he chares about Shin, especially in chapter 21 when hes consoling him.
I know sex scenes usually dont add much? But in a series where they dont fully recognize that they love each other and are only able to be completely intimate and vulnerable during sex, leaving behind the fact they are essentially supposed to be coworkers (for lack of a better term), these scenes add a lot!?!
I wasnt too upset that they left out the smut in the original upload, but after reading it i now kinda am, it hella throws off the story pacing ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Mathilde January 15, 2021 3:53 am

    Ahh can someone tell me what the e heck happened here? Why the sudden event, and he even used “toys”. And the read hair snake boy watched them doing it ?

    I’m just confused since the price has been so cute during sex but here he act like a different person ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Mathilde January 15, 2021 4:22 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Ambrosia

    Now I understand, thank you ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. Now everything makes sense since that didn’t seemed like Wolfgang character in this story. Even tho I have read a lot of possessive and “jerk” seme in manga and manhwa. But I don’t know I like when they are complicated and when the seme is jealous ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ love their action

thehumansin December 15, 2020 12:50 am

I really like this story a lot, but I feel like Wolfgangs character is super stifled by multiple things. Im just rambling about this cuz it bothers me. I think Wolfgang is a good king (and obv lightyears better than the last) but his development in the second season is a bit lacking and I understand why shin holds him so dearly and preciously, but it kinda staggers and plateaus by the second season. Like he kinda lacks a solid personality?
It really starts to feel like the only reason Wolfgang should be king, is his lineage and golden traits he just so happened to be born with. They do emphasize he is more humble and naive yet well meaning king, but a lot of it falls a bit short. He says he is king because of he beheaded the last king and overthrew him NOT because of his hair as like the big climax thing. But when you think about it, like a large reason he was even able to approach the king was because of his hair and lineage... so when that factor gets thrown in, his rulership, and in turn Shins love for him, almost seems undeserving and entirely up to traits no one chose.
I think the main problem is that the story is about overthrowing tyranny and setting a country left very damaged by an evil king back into place, but I think the author accidentally made the Golden hair too closely entwined with that tyranny? Like its what got Wolfgang his status to enter the system, that allowed a tyrannical king to rule, purely based off their hair and eye color.
And the throwing in the illigitimate children of the king that couldnt find a place in the system (yet still are ruled under it and fail to overthrow it) BECAUSE of their hair, eyes and gender doesnt rlly help.
Im kinda looking too deep into it, but its hard to look over when so much emphasis is put on this plot and theme of tyranny and what it means to be a good benevolent ruler. I wish it was done little better
Also Just wanna see more cute moments between wolfgang and shin, bro im runnin dry
Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
Still like the story tho and hoping it updates soon

thehumansin December 13, 2020 6:47 am

Guhhhh its not crazy far in ig, but so far Im not a fan of this storyline. Idky but using the little kid as a story device to put the two guys together is so cringey to me. Like gender roles isnt the biggest problem with BL, but for some reason in this one, with the kid calling him ‘mama’ and stuff like that makes me so uncomfortable ( ̄∇ ̄") It feels forcibly cute, like “awww look theyre mommy and daddy and the kid ships them! Lolol” but its also supposed to be a smut??
Like im sure this plot device is to maybe lead to the fact that the mom is dead or something and she looks like the MC. And the dad is gunna develop feelings eventually but if feels so weird and forced, and i dont find it cute for some reason... and kinda just dont care

!!! BTW i dont think its bad that ppl like it and i dont even think its even a bad story overall so far, like it has a very interesting and clear set up and direction... ig its just not for me lolol

Also idk if its the art/panel set up or the translations but some parts get really confusing and i dont know whats supposed to be happening or the tone, or where ppl are or who theyre supposed to be lmao. Not a huge issue but that also doesnt help much.
Anyways imma keep updated cuz im bored and i hope this gets better, cuz i wanna like it.

thehumansin December 10, 2020 2:02 am

Ive just started reading BL again after taking a super long break from it and I’m pleasantly surprised by this story! I stopped reading because everything seemed the same and it became boring (alos a lot of older BL stories are kind of weird and have toxic aspects to it, and as i became older i really realized it so it became hard to read) but i read this just cuz and got more invested in it than i expected! Its not rlly my faves out of everything ive read, but it actually grew on me :) cant wait to see updates!
The story and relationship is sweet and I really care for the charscters

    Anonyzz December 10, 2020 2:19 am

    I totally understand you and if you want to I'll be glad to show you a lot of other bl that don't have toxic relationships in it (≧∀≦)

    OhGurl December 10, 2020 2:22 am

    I know right?! Their so honest with each other and the misunderstandings are wrapped up so quickly!!! I've been reading BL stories for a long time too and I'm so over brooding, moody, rude, doesn't listen to consent type characters (*cough Yawhi cough*) Dojin and Taehee are just a breath of fresh air.

    thehumansin December 10, 2020 2:27 am
    I totally understand you and if you want to I'll be glad to show you a lot of other bl that don't have toxic relationships in it (≧∀≦) Anonyzz

    I wouldnt mind a few recs! Ive read a lot, and I know quite a few wholesome ones, but yea i would be lying id i was to say they are easy to come by ( ̄∇ ̄")

    thehumansin December 10, 2020 2:29 am
    I know right?! Their so honest with each other and the misunderstandings are wrapped up so quickly!!! I've been reading BL stories for a long time too and I'm so over brooding, moody, rude, doesn't listen to co... OhGurl

    Oh gosh! Yea i love the drama isnt always stupid misunderstandings and if it is it doesnt rlly linger! Ive actully been lucky and have been coming across more stories like that lately! So greatful ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    oohms6715 December 10, 2020 2:47 am
    I totally understand you and if you want to I'll be glad to show you a lot of other bl that don't have toxic relationships in it (≧∀≦) Anonyzz

    Please! Most bl's are really toxic and uncomfortable, or atleast most of the ones I read. Can u pls recommend some healthy ones?

    Anonyzz December 10, 2020 2:59 am
    I wouldnt mind a few recs! Ive read a lot, and I know quite a few wholesome ones, but yea i would be lying id i was to say they are easy to come by ( ̄∇ ̄") thehumansin

    Ok (▰˘◡˘▰)
    So there might be some that you already know so I apologise in advance (PS : sorry if u love smutty scenes coz most of them are shounen ai )
    -Green Apple Paradise (lovely drawing and cute story)
    -Love tractor (big and cute uke)
    -Semantic Error
    -Emperor, Stay here, Your knight's getting off work (Hilarious)
    -Snail Pond Robber

    Since you read a lot of bl you might already know Fools but did you know that the author is doing a remake with way more beautiful drawings ?? Its just called Fools remake
    Well I didnt realise til now but except for Fools remake I think all of them here are shounen ai lmao
    But here they are, my top 6 bl that i'm reading at the moment

    oohms6715 December 10, 2020 9:40 am
    Ok (▰˘◡˘▰)So there might be some that you already know so I apologise in advance (PS : sorry if u love smutty scenes coz most of them are shounen ai )-Green Apple Paradise (lovely drawing and cute story... Anonyzz

    Thank you!! <3 Hope you have a good day :)

    Anonyzz December 10, 2020 11:12 am
    Thank you!! <3 Hope you have a good day :) oohms6715

    No problem (≧∀≦) You too

thehumansin December 3, 2020 5:04 am

Yoooo i rememer reading this in like 2016 or smth when it was only into the first 100 or so chapters! Its rlly nice seeing the developement and everything after getting back into after i left this site for a year or two
One thing im sad to see tho is that after grtting older and rereading this Im seeing how toxic He Tian and Mos relationship is. They were like my favorite pair! I like that He Tian kinda eased up on Mo eventually and started shwoing mutual love a bit more openly? But i think Xi is holding a bit to hard onto their bare dynamic rather than letting them shift into something softer. He Tian is still way too well... yknow violent and harassing, while Mo stays way too outwardly annoyed and “tsundere” for it to seem like a mutual thing. There are some genuinely sweet and heart pumping moments between them where they show mutual respect and vulnerability to each other! Like the black stud earring segment and most of the future segments. I understand the initial appeal but its like progress with no actual development and it’s becoming sad :(
I love Mo so much, and i wanna see him genuinely happy with Tian :(

thehumansin January 15, 2019 10:32 am

Imma be honest here, Alex gotta do a lot more than “ur sick lemme nourish you like some sickly puppy” kinda bs to really give a proper apology. The scene being cliche isn’t even the problem. I know there will probs be more development than this (and I’m looking forward to it) but if there isn’t, it’s gunna be kinda disappointing because I feel like dg forgiving Alex so soon is undeserved and a bit too rushed. Idk, there is a lot of emotional damage on dg done by Alex, and it shouldn’t be fixed with just this. Like, it took dg so much to finally let go of his biggest crush and now that sleazy ex-crush is trying to crawl his way back into ur life by forcing himself into their home when they are physically and mentally weak, and reliant on others. And after stalking them a couple days ago too!!
Alex has some walls to jump before he can get eye to eye with dg and truly apologize. Atm Alex doesn’t have my sympathy and he shouldn’t rlly have dg’s either. Idk.

    Tanya January 15, 2019 11:04 am


    Well next chapters haven't shown dg has forgiven him although he admits he is still in love with him. Maybe we have a long way until we see them together again

    thehumansin January 18, 2019 9:08 pm
    Spoiler Well next chapters haven't shown dg has forgiven him although he admits he is still in love with him. Maybe we have a long way until we see them together again Tanya

    ya idk I dont want them to never be together of course, or else i wouldnt be reading this, but its just like, I want to be satisfied when they do get together and see Alex be properly redeemed rather than just immediately excused for his actions because he is the love interest

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