Bro, I’m going to hate it if the reason why he’s homophobic is because he was S/Aed. I just don’t think this story needs it, and i feel like its a cheap explanation. Also i just dont wanna see Taehwan get S/Aed. I still will enjoy the story as a whole, because it would be kinda hard to mess up at this point but im still gunna be sad about it
I partially understand why, because im p sure he grew up literally right around where I live and that place is pretty socially progressive, so what other explanation ig.
But all along i didnt really need an explanation, I literally just thought he was an asshole who was too caught up with himself to consider being interested in guys. And it kinda manifested into internalized homophobia
But whatever, i just dont wanna see taehwan get m/lested by some weirdo and watch him be all traumatized...

Oh another plausible theory i just saw is that maybe the teacher is homophobic? And turned him down/ made him think being gay is bad?? I would actually think that explanation is better, even tho its more cliche.
But again i just dont think it needs an explanation at all, some ppl are legit just assholes lmaooo, and i think that flies for Taehwan
Also PPS ik the next chapters are probs already out, but let me have my cliffhanger fun, no strong spoilers plz

Okay, wtf im dropping this (i was around chapt 30) I was pretty intrigued at first cuz i like BL stories with Mafia dudes, and i also like trope of the main character having unrequited love, but the pacing got so weird all of a sudden. It took like 10 whole chapters to recontextualize the Mafia dudes pov, and it not only didnt need to be that long, but idt the story needed that whole pov at all?? We wouldve understood enough from a short monologue
But the final straw in all of this was how/when the MC suddenly confesses to the Mafia dude???? Like the Mafia dude became weird and scary and it didnt feel like him at all, and was basically S/Aing the mc??? And the drama of it literally felt so half-assed because the conflict couldve been so easily prevented by just making the MC restate or clarify what he meant. And even worse the Mafia dude literally couldve just not jumped on the MC like that in response?
I had high hopes for this, and i hate that their first kiss/ confession was the MC being forced on for literally no reason
It could also be shaky translations that made it a bit hard to get thru, but idrc cuz i understand translating and stuff is hard, so whateve.
Anyways lmk if it was a mistake to drop this, but by that part i was like hmmm nope

no bc i finished the entire thing cuz comments kept saying it was good "wholesome" and stuff but i just wanted to read online game bls so i just finished it anyway but i agree with all your points i felt really bored during the recap since i was already not very invested and it felt really unnecessary and i Love introspection but it felt really shallow and didnt make me feel more towards the mafia guy. i did feel very uncomfortable during the confession like you said and right after all those recap chaps it just suddenly made me go Damn bro ur really gonna be like this

WHATTT THIS IS TAKING SUCH A DARK TURN I LOVE IT ITS GETTING ACTUALLY INTERESTING!!! Bruh, why is everyone being so mean to the master dude wanting him to be miserable and shit. Like give him a break I understand why he would be hesitant to start a real relationship with someone who literally used to be a dog. I want them to be endgame but im glad its taking these interesting steps and confronting that their relationship has interesting implications.
I like the friend he’s currently dating, but I understand why he wouldnt be the better fit. I just hope he doesnt get turned into some awful person as the reason they shouldnt stay together, so the actual emotional bond between dog dude and MC is what brings them together.

Oh no, so when i went to check this out i saw it was made by the same author as a guy like you, and i reallllyyy hated that story so my immediate reaction was OH NO. But i was willing to give this one a chance (because ive praised good work from authors with their fair share of bad stories)
Tho it seems like from the comments everyone is just as frustrated with this plot soooo ill probs check it out quickly and drop ( ̄∇ ̄")

Okay im super excited to where this story is going to go with the addition of a needed queen because i rlly like the “kinda jealous to realise theyre in love” plot, butttt i really am hoping whoever is the queen (if we ever actually meet her) isnt given the “girl rival so shes evil” treatment. While this story has been pretty unique I can still see it going that way with the queen and current lack of story villian. I think (and most can agree) that that plot devise is overused and kinda sad, especially for a story with already so little prominent girl characters. And i think this part of the story doesnt need a big villian anyways :p

Yo this is one of the fifst BLs ive read back in like 2015
I remember liking it a lot because it was super slow paced and nice, but i cant believe its still going???
I dont remember much except that i really liked it but the fact that its still ongoing makes me question if i should reread it? Like ive been super patient but this is getting kinda ridiculous

It's definitely worth rereading, the art development is phenomenal and the story narration is also beautifully done. I'm personally someone that doesn't mind slow burns with well written development and this story does a great job of that. The slow chapters are just how the author works because a story this thoughtful requires time to refine and plan out properly. The author has not expressed any desires to drop this story so, if you're okay with waiting, the story is definitely worth rereading and keeping up to date with.
At first i thought this was mediocre but it one has strangely grown on me lollll. Also im hella happy the girl got roped into everything, I really like her and its already making things more interesting :D