pacman101's experience ( All 0 )

pacman101's answer ( All 102 )

about question
cry all you want, they'll be here long after we're gone   reply
08 11,2024
"if it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it" -Marcus Aurelius   reply
03 12,2023
never even heard of it, I don't watch Netflix, they've been shit for a long time   reply
03 09,2023
I was going to make a joke about 7 loops, but I'm not in a trolling mood today it's probably stress, are you still locked down where you live? it might be good to change scenery, take a walk in the woods/park/whatever try keeping a schedule, humans are very sensitive to lack of pattern in life (a single flight can through you all out of wack), lon......   reply
18 07,2021
about question
no, she's Chinese spyware, fucker her with a rust fork   3 reply
17 07,2021

pacman101's question ( All 1 )

pacman101 17 07,2020
FUCK NO! never stick your dick in crazy, it's liable to come off a the root
17 07,2020

People are doing

did first kiss

I was at six flags w a bunch of dudes with my friend & a boy stayed behind with me after getting on a ride & we kissed. I was so young lol.

3 hours
did first kiss

My first romantic kiss was in the middle of the night on the floor of a cabin it pitch darkness. I was maybe 14 and it was not fun

7 hours
did your first pet

fish in da toilet

12 hours