Sorry, I just read the raws and I want to rant here a bit.I no longer want ch.8, I want ch.9 now ╥﹏╥
Kuze and Karino fans,I apologize.Please don't read the next stuff, I have written some really ugly things ╥﹏╥
This is just a figment of my imagination and my personal opinion and I sincerely apologize to anyone who's offended by this:
Since the story turned out this way, I wish the coming chapters will be somewhat like this.Kusakabe and Azusa somehow come up with a plan and manage to corner Karino and Kuze.Then they turn them into ukes and and do them like crazy and also make Karino and Kuze have sex with each other, both taking turns to become uke and seme.Next, I want them to beg Azusa and Kusakabe for forgiveness.Then, Kusakabe and Azusa become a couple, and Kusakabe becomes stronger and more courageous for Azusa's sake and they both live happily ever after.As a bonus for fans, Kusakabe could turn into a handsome seme and protect Azusa forever.
Kuze and Karino should give a very very very very very very very very very very very convincing reason for what they've done, so that I'll forgive them and start to like them a bit.
Haahhhhhhhh!! That felt good.
I think the story will go in the second direction since Chise-sensei will not want us hating the semes .Now I'll just shut up and wait for Chise-sensei's next chapter (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

I'm more compelled to have both Azusa and Kusakabe as Sekes, taking turns and all.
Oh, the Semes better have a good reason for what they've done . . . although, honestly, for victims of abuse, no reason is enough to justify and excuse what's done. The trauma is a memory forever ingrained, and no medication will ever erase it (except amnesia lol).

Oh okay :)
That's true, it's so sad.I sometimes think that even if amnesia helps forget the abuse, the body will still remember.I mean, if such a victim is abused again, even with amnesia, each cell in their body might remember.Sorry, I don't know how to put it.It's such a really sad and horrifying matter, sexual abuse.I want Karino and Kuze to pay for this.

I think there's some misunderstanding going on that kusakabe had sex with azusa, but it's not true.Look at the pic carefully, kusakabe is kneeling in front of azusa and kuze is doing kusakabe.So kusakabe and azusa are just facing each other, that's it.

Sorry about that, I might be wrong:

Me too!! As what I've seen from the raws, I think that kusakabe is just kneeling in front of azusa, kuze is doing kusakabe and karino is doing azusa. And yeah, it may be a misunderstanding that kusakabe is having sex with azusa because for me, in the pic, I think it's obvious that they're having sex (ukexseme) and I think the ukes are forced to face each other or whatever that is. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong but it's just my opinion.

I read it, but my mind is just not able to accept it I guess ╥﹏╥ Was that translation for the entire ch 8 or was it just for the partial raws on fb? If it was for partial raws, I thought that since there's no verbal dialogue in the raws saying that azusa and kusakabe are having sex, so maybe it was interpreted that way because of the pic.The translation for the 'sex scene' says that kusakabe apologizes to azusa and azusa says it's nothing, so I'm still hoping that the pic was misunderstood ( ̄∇ ̄")

No. There was completed raw for chapter 8. And hello 217 is one of the translator for Chinese & japanese. He didn't translated it from partial part FB but from some website. Now it was completely taken down. It's okay if you can't accept it at the moment. The story is sooo twisted. I hope sensei make it really really better at the end. :) I hope azusa can super be best friend with kusakabe if he is not pairing with him. I actually want them to pair. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

OMG I am reading it now! I can't omg omg omg omg nooooooooooo!!! why karino? why? kuze why?!! you are crazy!!! crazy!! crazy!!!!! I feel so sorry for azusa,my heart breaks,and kusakabe ç.ç ç.ç F*** I waited months for this manga,and what I have? a gangbang! No love here,no love. Thank you Ogawa Chise,you drove me insane!

Hello! My translation/summary was only from the part where Kusakabe saw Azusa having sex, to the end dialog with some parts skipped.
The raws that I have translated/summarized from was on Baidu, which was recently taken down.
Yes, there was no actual dialog in the raw that was saying Azusa and Kusakabe was having sex, and I was corrected upon it saying that they were only being made to look at each other while Karino/Kuze were doing it with them. (I would recheck, but the raws were taken down, so right now I will be saying this only applies to the link that was indicated above.)
For that one scene, Kusakabe apologizes and says that he will not get ahead of himself/better than anyone, which I think is the response to Karino where he told Kusakabe he was getting big headed just because he was Jack (which lead to this whole thing.) I interpreted it as him apologizing to Azusa, as he felt the fault that he had started the whole thing.
The picture was indeed misunderstood, but I hope this cleared things up!
Oh, and also in response to @LevixEren , I am indeed a translator, but I have no connection with this manga or the group that is translating this manga in case someone misunderstood that part.

Quick edit. Someone posted a link via Sentimiento Yaoi on Facebook which shows the certain scene. So Karino and Azusa was not having sex. (Which was my mistake that I made in my reply. Will change my original topic.)
It was Kuze > Kusakabe > Azusa. (So they did do it.)
Hope this cleared things up even more.
Bye now.

I saw the raws ╥﹏╥ It was so horrible :( Azusa did do bad things, but I don't think he deserved this :( He also has a reason for the things he did, he didn't want to be powerless like his mom and so he chose to dominate others. Kusakabe... I don't know what to say to that, words aren't enough for the way I feel :( Karino and kuze had better come up with a really really really really really really really good reason for this.
This is just my opinion :) As I was reading, I felt like I was seeing a slightly younger Shirotani and slightly older Kurose there, like their ages were reversed.The art felt similar to Takarai Rihito's (⌒▽⌒)
Hope to see more of this manga :D