While Im heartbroken by the snippets and summary of Emi's fate, it's so satisfying to read a villain who actually acts like a villain! Plus take it as unnecessary praise from a low tolerance of stress like me, but having it focus on how she's plotting her revenge is an absolute 5 star!

moody_bish created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Funny how he knows he isnt human but trusts that he IS a child. I'd be flustered (terrified) if someone just rips their hair lmao. Reminds of this horror film where the girl was literally scalped by a machine in a torture game

moody_bish created a topic of Someone Like You

That's like the first twistedly wholesome thing ive read and its so damn refreshing???? Like so many crimes brushed off and this isnt a mafia manga. And the whisplash of response from Shinwoo's friend

Kay but like, they really overestimate this guy's body or he's just not that skilled with his strength control LMAO. Anesthesia about to be a truth serum in this world ngl

moody_bish created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

But a drunken state of singleness. Omg, theyre just reeking love pheromones past my screen ㅠㅠ

moody_bish created a topic of Superstar From Age 0

It's saddening how most good feel stories tend to have long term breaks... maybe its coz high quality, higher HP drain on the artists involved

It's another mary sue "omg, i dont want chaos blah blah blah" girl, u started a fire aimed at them and u expect to only hurt them? And also, if they let him go, Theyll go after something else. And oh my god, ure
Father has the right to be wary BUT U CALL HIM RUDE??

This is why i dislike "good" characters. They tend to be written like theyre stupid about people's natures. And THIS happened after she got that flashback about her abuse and how nobody helped her, but one help from a stranger and she can easily side with them over her father and over the fact that this world isnt earth with some policeman. Death is as much justice as the crime for her little stupid fairy friend being capture and her sorry ass almost getting sold.

But all good things will happen to her right? With her mommy connection and mysterious connection with a powerful person. Its all nepotism baby

moody_bish created a topic of Debut or Die

One thing Debut or Die made me do is maybe abandon the other idol related manhwas I was reading. This story just does a good job dissecting idol survival shows, the netizen, and EVEN the stages. The author wasn't pulling punches when they made stage concepts for this show

Even the lore, mv, lyrics, and costumes (among other things) were concrete when they debut. Like it even had a fanmade interpretation of one of the songs! Lowkey wishing some company bites into the author's concept and turn it into reality (maybe change their name huhu but ngl, it warmed up to me so maybe they can stick to it). Im most highly wishing for the Joseon Steampunk they came up with (just got whipsplashed by the supposed reggae element) but like goddamn, that was just at 200chs, what about the concepts upto the 600th chapter!

The overall psychology of an Alpha wanting to be an Omega is an okay characterization but the ways that the author goes about it is...draining
1. Prostitution - which he chooses to try and do for a living... LIKE SIR, u may have a uterus but u are as Alpah as any Alpha can be. Why go there? It's like a low blow tactic to show he doesnt like just any alpha.
2. Hyperfixating on a second child - and he is spouting insincere sorries and being obstinate when he has freaking AYUMU to think about.
3. This cycles of drugs and a convenient ending - sure, human trials on an already 1 in a million condition for a heat when the doctor says it is about his health that could give him a better chance at pregancy and he only ever gets pregnant after a rude awakening when they almodt gave their child a food trauma.

And the 2nd bit is where the i kinda love it part because it IS an equivalently impactful rude awakening that Arima has his priorities on his ass. Coz if u cant freaking give your attention to an only child coz u are so twistedly hung up by the "miracle of life", you're just NOT fit to be a parent...youre acting a like breeder and while it gives light to his twisted mindset to be an Omega, the overall set up of the drugs and Izumi (?) somehow enabling this dangerous mindset, too, and he gave the child that food trauma. Jesus christ

moody_bish created a topic of Miao Shou Xian Dan

Okay, im just at 18.3 but... she is TOO densw. Facts are given to her explicitly yet the way she just dismisses everything at the first half and with her fellow race called her dumb, I already knew that everything will be annoying in the future.

Like i couldnt take a breather from the back to back action, vulnerability, and stupid ass comedy. And while im personally tired of always having lloyd's dignity smashed and trampled, I just live by the fact that at the end of the day, even Lloyd doesnt give af about other people's struggles and has empathy the size of an atom LMAO.

But dang, it makes me miss the actual aesthetic coz the artist draw "beautiful" characters before they scrunch up those lines and even disgust the hell out of me HAHAHA and also, those little summons are so cute huhu. Look at em cuddle Lloyd.

moody_bish created a topic of Someone Like You

Like I know how heartwarming it is that heHan would want to reassure him but keep repeating that folktale and my brain is already dreading an upcoming thriller of literally house arresting or keeping Shinwoo reaaaaal close to him

Damn, i got so tired with the family dramas that alwayz beat the MC up or are the subject to their revenge that having a wholesome family is a breathe of fresh air

moody_bish created a topic of Again

Mommy got her priorities...skewed and all that. I kinda like how the author just "forced" a confrontationg with nokyoung asking for some feedback lol. Talk about braving the tumultuous probabilities of a parent's acknowledgement. Kinda endearing how he tries to speak up for their relationship. Atp, i want these two marrying in the future and tho it isnt a requirement since theyre basically too in love with each other, maybe even a child once theyre more mature to handle another human being under their care.

I'm honestly so glad the author decided to let him produce WITH his daughter coz most of the past producing happened coz someone elsw wanted him back or hw got caught in a situation. Plus we finally meet the mom in his daughter's eyes and this is their first official music together, like ugh. Mah heart

moody_bish created a topic of Our Sunny Days

First it was a Seal avatar and maybe a silly looking baby. But she's bald and IDKY that's so special (≧∀≦)

Like after all the drama i keep reading, i begin side eyeing the author wondering what they'll do now with the chaotic setting they write. For example, i like that these couple do talk it out which balances the no-talk tragedy from lin yi's fam. I also like the way they portray how that lack of communication tend to build visible and invisible doors and walls between the siblings. And that blame game? Damn, it's like a core element to most traumas like I'm reading "Someone Like You" and BAM, blame the child.

So I'll be expecting some confrontation between these siblings because they need to open that cabinet with ceramic plates threatening to fall and break. They need a catalyst to just open those bottled feelings (esp from Lin Shu since he's been expected to be the perfect child even if he was always "supported" by his parents)

moody_bish created a topic of Meteor Orbit

1. The confusing rewind trope. So many details to unpack. Its not even a matter of unreliable narrator anymore, it just overcomplicates it (or maybe im stupid, so theres that) would honestly appreciate that monologue of Yusung but the foundation of the plot makes it sound like a half baked commitment.
2. Taewon and mr. Kim's relationship is so gray, i dont even feel that much persuasion in taewon speaking up. It felt so out of place as if im meant to appreciate him telling her those things when he's pretty much already involved in the politics that went on
3. But in general, im glad Taewon said something and Yusung chased after Sangrok and the ex idol trainer shows signs of doing something about the muddy politics.

moody_bish created a topic of Be the Actor

Keeo unraveling the film's plot and I'll wanna read that instead the dialogues and even framing and just the richness of the plot got me dazed when its suddenly about that greedy manager. Im like, there's the sin of greed mr. Priest, may you pray for his damned soul

moody_bish created a topic of Someone Like You

One thing about the author's way of writing Han is that he reminds me of a flowing river. I see so much freedom in the way Han thinks, processes emotions, confronts consequences, and step forward to redeem themselves. Let's compare that to how stagnant relationships can be for Shinwoo like a dam who stops his feelings from flowing and turning it into an energy to simply preserve himself and whatever is left in him. And with Han's persistent pursuit, Han is about to break that dam wall and let the emotions burst and flow which started with constant confrontations towards Shinwoo's mindset about their relationship.

Anyway, i wish these converging rivers continue to flow until their love is as deep and wide as the ocean.

I actually felt proud about my analogy, the author did that to me LMAO.