Stereotypes be breaking, or not. The youngest being neglected (tho i see how spoiled looking it is that she can easily cut off her brothers if their response doesnt match her expectations). The middle child...still stuck in between but like there's more pressure to mediate to keep the boat from tipping over. The pressured older child but can't, for the life of him, communicate properly with his younger siblings. And as always, this happens coz their parents be acting like baby manufacturers rather than BE parents.

moody_bish created a topic of Debut or Die

Like yes, this is fiction. But this audacity is so apparent to the point they can camp outside dorms, be called sasaengs without as much as an arrest when they do sasaeng things and have these idols deal with their "love" or beig treated like trash when their idols reject them... or have people with malintent target them like here. Even companies will choose to hide their idols or slap their wrist with useless warnings.

moody_bish created a topic of Big Life

I dislike how the plagiarism case against the myunghoon was resolved since it doesnt utilize relevant details and was rather brushed off to not only rush the manic episode of Myunghoon but then fail to properly handle Myunghoon's suicide attempt and mental state. ABLEIST is so right to the point that the Malice ARC pissed me off so much. Like, pointing out Jaegun's tunnel vision as an author fixating on the character rather than the plot is good but the same guy who supposedly graduated in creative writing and learning about ROUND characters saying human nature doesn't change is like... SIR, YOU'VE LOST THE BASICS OF CREATIVE WRITING! If the main character just dies off, there's no character development, it's flat and BORING. Plus treating Myunghoon so carelessly after mentioning that he went to therapy is just so half assed and insensitive. The guy had problems, yes, like i dont even blame sohee being harsh on him and adding on his suicide attempt but I just expected more from his brother and the AUTHOR to at least deal with his character instead of always using him like a cannon fodder with a heavy traumatic role on Jaegun and then a brief congrats in the end as if that's enough of a caveat that "oh, that guy who traumatized Jaegun and was treated like shit by his father despite the seemingly good family and normal inferiority complex but turns out he is needing medication and gets abandoned so damn easily...? Yeah, he's fine. He finally congratulated jaegun without the biting remarks". But of course, his dipshit of a dad gets a whole arc of forgiveness when that dipshit treated Myunghoon like trash then goes on committing the same crime more than once.

I seriously lost a lot of my positive feelings with how Myunghoon and his "dad" was dealt... and that's just the one emotionally charged critique i have coz there's a lot of parts I wish were better or focused on and some scraped coz they felt more like fillers.

If anything, it isnt the harem that is the problem but the overall characteristics of the women. A girl who really knows how to make a person feel inadequate. A narcissist who not only play with the feelings of someone who loves her but supposedly loves the man she kept insulting and speak on other people's relationship as if she's any better. A character design for boobs and bikini area girlie who may be super strong with angst but you KNOW she's there for the boobs and all that blacked out areas (two of her kind, but the other is more of the typical innocent type). The expressionless secretary, dressed and even acting like the typical possessive wife. And guess what, a kid character put in weird situations like an actual romantic partner or one who might as well just fall in love with an adult coz sure, that's an acceptable way to swerve away from pedo accusations. Remove harem and their base design is as trash and unbearable to read coz they always pop up and causes the MC to be more of a pushover and prideless guy who thinks he's everybody's stepping stone.

Here's one positive female character tho unless she somehow loses her charm after ch17 coz i dropped it:
1. Someone who actually recognize MC's role and capabilities and isn't grinding on him like a cat in heat or overly designed for fan service.

moody_bish created a topic of Be the Actor

I get the literary dialogue for the filming, maybe even a little formal speech towards a senior... but percieve, elucidate, ought, vertical structure something, and the overall pretentious speech ? It kinda ripped away the story's atmosphere and turned it into some British old film. It made me expect the word Perchance at some point HAHAHAHA

The concepts doesnt really give that millionare feeling. Is it coz a million won isn't as much as it is compared when it's a million dollars or euros? Also, the more i read, the more i feel that it doesn't mirror how Kpop groups thrive in lores like SM with their Kwangya; Stray Kids with the clones, moons, and paving their own path hence the compass lightstick; Ateez with their doppelgangers and the sand timer light stick which kinda often pops up; Dreamcatcher with the dream realms and even the cultish fandom concept of their light staffs and cloaks... like Millionaire dont have stories in their stages at all which is kinda disappointing... the author just flashes thru the performance itself and their behind the scenes doesn't justify the name "millionaire". Not much identity to it

While translations were inconsistent, im just glad theyre readable and understandable enough. The chapters gets shorter at the latter half which would br slightly annoying if it wasnt mass released . A lot of annoying characters that just had to be women, idk whats with authors wanting obnoxious traits on women and a tolerant male mc who just goes with the flow like a pushover. But positive shift is when at the end of the day, these women just wants to prove their strength like how some (most) male mobs are moronically stubborn (also its refreshing to have a scaredy cat male orc lmao). And also, the big sister did act like a big sister. The other girl still made a huge turn around. The servant is still annoying but she wants to be useful. And the MC learned to rely on family. So it's like, "god theyre so annoying, I want to slap em or send them to oblivion" becoming "oh good, they did manage to save him instead of being a damsel in distress" or "fine, theyve got good intentions and i just need to chill" or "im proud of you for seeing the light".

Anyway, it's a fun read at the end of the day HAHAHA the final arc looks promising but it hasnt updated for a year... and i wanted that final boss to just rest in pieces.

moody_bish created a topic of Isekai Kenkokuki

I have a lot of complaints about this chapter. Which is mostly about the king's fixation on an abuser as king and pawning the duaghter whom he said he loved the most. The weaved political plot feels forced as well, as if the answers weren't already given chapters ago. Just because marriage became a variable, the author dismantled the King's characterization and gave it to his brother which doesn't make sense!

moody_bish created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Bro just let them blip out of existence without suffering like he did. Quite merciful if u ask me.

Everyone's so fixated on the harem when our little goblin is dedicated to his goblin community. The sexy girls are just fanservice lmao, the plot is moving just fine. Like look at them goblins having a merry 7 day life, curious to learn, and ever so sincere with helping their chief.

One fateful day, a girl time slipped into the Sengoku Era. It was an abrupt enough event to be dubbe...

  • Author: Kyouchikutou
  • Genres: Supernatural / Action / Fantasy / Shounen / Slice of Life / Historical

Otw home, avid history lover and agriculture student warps into the time of Nobunaga. To survive under nobunaga's meritocracy, she applies her modern knowledge and faces the realities of war

Ken is a modern-day chef who wakes up one morning in war-torn 16th century Japan. Faced with an impo...

  • Author: nishimura mitsuru,kajikawa takurou
  • Genres: Comedy / Historical / Seinen

Chef lost his memory and wakes up during the warring period. For survival and adapted insight, gets into the food politics under Nobunaga

moody_bish created a topic of Desire Detection

Like honestly, it took a lot of chill pill to get thru the first chapters coz of the character flaws being highlighted
1. Stalker (covered up as an asocial attribute and desire to keep them safe)
2. Gay homophobe, not just self hate, but GAY REPULSION. It's also weird that it is against the guy who should know EXACTLY what he felt. (covered up by his intro to and experience as a gay)

BUT, here's the good things about it
1. The sibling relationship is cooperative, understanding, and supportive...highkey stuck on Aki ehe
2. The father-son angst got me, it's that one aspect of homophobia that hurts not only u but even shuts down your fam w/o even getting to talk
3. The sneak peak of the future... like SIR! YUKI IS JUST TALL AND BRIGHT MIKI hahahahaha

I just wanna reiterate that just coz that girl is dying, doesn't mean her braincells and shame should be dying with her. Coz dang, she's quite excited to dig her own grave

moody_bish created a topic of I Have No Health

First off, im so glad i started reading when there's 89 chaps. The plot is ripe for the taking. (So much bookmarks lol) i doubt these are spoilers but, here's what I love about it.

1. An FL who ACTUALLY adapts to the changes and thinks beyond "am i imagining things?". And one that isn't so goody two shoes with mercy or punishment
2. A plot that revolves back to its origins, meaning it has surprises that one that makes sense like "why did she wake up as the dying girl?"
3. No heartburns when it comes to the romance (no rivalry, misunderstandings, hesitations, roundabouts)
4. A father-daughter relationship that doesn't end at "babying" and "fencing protectiveness" just coz she is sick.
5. Lays off the complicated politics (at least not as complicated as most manhwas that love to highlight the behind the scenes of plotting criminals)
6. A romantic dynamic that thrives with (not so) innocent innuendos from a straight faced ML and a flustered FL. Like seriously, he makes me think im the dirty minded one hahaha

Anyway, im excited for the conclusion since i feel like this is pretty much the resolution arc.

Yes, that's how we like it and it has to stay that way coz istg if she ends up being clouded by that "sense of uneasiness"... but on the otherhand, it might be an unromantic "uneasiness", like a foreshadowing since the cured woman works in a shady business yeah? (Or am i mistaking her for someone else, oof too many medical manhwas is bad for my memory lol)

Alos, it's really nice that he keeps the modern etiquette of keeping a patient's info private, people of the past are really nosy istg (i mean, people still are, but in the past, only high ranking ppl keep their health private, no?)

moody_bish created a topic of Hidamari no Orange

It would have taken away from the senpai's somber loneliness to have a taboo rivalry going on... like he is lonely, but not that desperate for attention nor one who'l lose himself in that sort of affection. With this youthful takeaway, we give the senpai warmth and courage to speak up and also to lift up our academically challenged Nanami LOL. We love that healthy relationship

Ive gotten used to the authors inclination for metaphors or imageries, I just wished it had more coherence to it. It keeps switching from past to present and vice versa. There's vagueness to the disconnect between our MC understanding what idols do but pushing the idol away for "being different", and then saying, "yeah ok. It's the same, isn't it?" Which is a realistic irony, i know... there's just a lacking cohesion to how each scenario transitions.

(Like ngl, I was so damned annoyed by the idol's "courting strategy" but also by the roundabout speech and dialogues. And because of the writing, they look like fools in their own circus...which is another way to say theyre clumsy...but in my pov as a reader, that's a lot of 'noise' or useless chattering because the clumsy dialogues is too real..cant believe im saying that. But yknow how fictive dialogues needs more cohesion since it isn't real life, like a drama that is purposeful instead of listening to your neighbors rambling and affairs. Coz most of time, i got really lost by the point of it all, too much reading between the lines)

moody_bish created a topic of My Way With You

It hit too close to home and i thought that if it started like that, I might not be able to handle the rest. But I'l be damned, the chemistry was too powerful that I could swallow the trauma. And ngl, i like baek sun's dark humor and the way Giran just accepted some revelations

moody_bish created a topic of Debut or Die

Like you've got my attention, sir and madam.

Oh and plotwise, i need to prep myself for any incoming dreaded frustrations coz Eugene is such a star icon with a puppy offcam personna that I have yet to fully lay off from the dread I felt knowing that the asshole in his group will be a recurring character