Not even an smidget of relation to their same sex relationship. If anything, it's the EXACT OPPOSITE. She has unhappy parents, neglects her, and the role for a girl like her was to be a homewrecker between a couple, and one who loves the goddamn child? Disappointing arc esp with the numerous possibilities of build up of "omg, she mightve been a lesbian, one her parents mightve been gay." And ik ik, theyll have this convo about what she said, but it's so narcissistic, even worse than just knowing she was selling their villahe chief like that. Coz it has NOTHING to do with her AT ALL. Like those chapters were wasted on a nobody like her (and maybe the message is indeed that. Nobodies with so big of a self justification will mess w relationships coz theyre so damn bitter with their life) Anyway, vent over