moody_bish's feed

moody_bish created a topic of Nakanai Aigan Dorei

The emotions were honestly intense. Suzune's past. The King's insanity. Kuro's speech. The overall state of the kingdom. It's just soooo tragic. And i thought it was better off ending it at 13 when theyre happy and off to wherever. I don't even want to go thru more of the King's insanity coz I expected him to actually be executed instead of hide away, like that's the most merciful "romantic tragedy". Like die together, yknow HAHAHA. Be twisted till your last breathe. But I dont have more energy to give to wait for that to happen on the next chaps (as it is on going) and ik more draining moments to be had for the next arc. It's better off stopping at 13 lmao.