moody_bish's feed

Sure, im just stopping at 17 and could be missing more of its substance. But with an FL so warped in her fears and supposed affections, it's so draining to read her perspective. It could be the execution because Ive read a number of MCs with similar fears but the author highlights her cowardice TOO MUCH. I'm at a point where I could almost root for the "goddess" who knows what she wants and go for it, and ive only seen her twice. This story basically reminds me that roles exists because some characters can't handle being anything else and the author washes her out to be exactly like the common cannon fodders. Right now, her status is solely because he latched on a "scent" and has been obsessed to claim it to himself, hence he has deeper emotions for her as she constantly show hesitation and runs away from him. 17 chapters, there should at least be some more concreteness to his attachment but because the author is SOOOO focused on her fears, it's so draining and monotone.