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moody_bish January 21, 2025 2:46 pm

The proudest feeling I had was when she finally said the words she was only thinking and sharing to us, readers. She kept thinking, observing, and learning...and finally, she said the words to her son and it held more conviction and sincerity. Besides, her quiet observation is still parenting, she was literally "watching over" them and supporting in little ways like teaching hiroki to cook or giving him her equipment...ofc there are a lot of disappointments especially when she was "communicating" with her husband (my annoyance towards him was the highest coz he knew his words were hurtful yet only acknowledged it when he thought of his son hearing him say them for years... That's not ignorance anymore, he KNEW it was hurtful and not something you should say). Love the brother's high EQ and glad he gained a friend he relates to. I'm still worried about Hirko's self esteem tho... It felt like his dad (and society) really chipped away so much of him already and i'll just have to imagine him building himself up again to feel worthy of something as a gay.

moody_bish January 21, 2025 3:48 am

I love it because theyre doing their best to naviagte their feelings. But the background of Shuuji is worrying haha. Like damn. It's like a buzzing bee i try to ignore. And theyre still awkward so it makes me worry haha

moody_bish's questions ( All 5 )

moody_bish June 25, 2024 1:20 pm

And this might be the wrong channel to write, but just wanna share if anyone agrees with me.

Can we please have a multi-tag search or if it exists and i just dont know the trick, can anyone teach me?

P.S. android must be acting up coz I can't create my own tags on my comments... anyone else?

moody_bish December 26, 2020 2:15 pm

I've been watching hamster videos on YT, and a BL manga resurfaced from the back of my head. The problem is, I forgot the title. Please help me.

So the MC is a mover, and the client was a stuck up high school topnotcher who is now an elite. During the move, he found his former classmate's hamster cage. The former classmate becones defensive which worsened the MCs impression of him. By twisted fate, the two meet at a mutually close convenient store. As a petty revenge by the former classmate, he intentionally asked the MC about his running career. The MC injured himself back in high school and quit running, which the former classmate knew was his soft spot.

Long story short, the mover has an inferiority complex who used his injury as an excuse to quit. The elite has socializing issues, but envied the mover. Yep, totally asking the Manga Title for the sake of the hamster

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Fiction and real life is different 09-05 10:04

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I'm not sure why you're on my profile, but welcome. You'll see a lot of essays on stories that got me too immersed either coz i was hella happy or frustrated and need to vent. Some stories, i dont even bother to exert energy. Im moody fr so its like "why am i heated about this story but not giving the same energy on this other similar thing"

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