rmc October 3, 2020 2:53 pm

Only in a manwha can you look identical to someone and no one suspects a thing hahah

rmc September 19, 2020 3:38 pm

why is Giovanni so sexy!!!!! like the green eyes, the dark hair and the tanned skin like if my boyfriend doesnt look like him I don’t want it

rmc September 19, 2020 1:35 pm

i hate the red head guy and how he’s taken advantage and treated Suha but he do be kinda hot tho (⊙…⊙ )

rmc August 28, 2020 2:17 pm

pls bring him back I need to see him irl and not in flashbacks/memories

    ali August 29, 2020 8:16 am

    yesss and the only time we got him in the present time, was just for a one panel magazine cameo

rmc August 23, 2020 7:10 am

I used to make the exact same type of eye contact with my crush and then he graduated and I havent seen him again and now im depressed k bye

rmc August 23, 2020 7:07 am

I honestly dont know who is who and its confusing me sm - can anyone give me a quick rundown of characters lol?

    Tiny_Snail August 23, 2020 2:37 pm

    I can’t promise to get all the characters (I think I’ll get bored halfway through), but I'll try...

    Yashiro - The guy who used to be a waka gashira (middle man right under the yakuza clan leader) for the Shinseikai, a branch of the yakuza clan of which Misumi is the boss, the Doushinkai. Yashiro was initially presented as a sadomasochist, but we later learn that his behaviour is actually born out of the trauma of being sexually abused by his disgusting stepfather as a child. He hates himself and he doesn't believe he deserves to be loved. He becomes less promiscuous after he gets close to Doumeki, but then he pushes him away and says he forgot about him, probably to try and push Doumeki away from himself and from the dangers of the yakuza life, which kinda fails miserably LOL.

    Chikara Doumeki - The guy who used to be Yashiro's personal bodyguard and lover and now is part of the Sakura group (which is a branch of the Sanwakai yakuza clan) thanks to Misumi's stepson, Amou, who somehow has some mysterious ties with this clan. Before that, Doumeki was a police officer who was sent to prison for beating his father (who was also a policeman) when he caught him raping his adoptive sister, which resulted in him being impotent. But that kinda got fixed when he became close to Yashiro.

    Kanji Kageyama - The doctor. He is Yashiro's childhood friend and they became close because Yashiro had many scars from his sado-maso way of life and Kageyama... likes scars a lot. Yashiro loves him but he never reciprocated his feelings. He's together with Kuga now.

    Akira Kuga - He's a delinquent who refused to become a yakuza. He has many scars from cigarette burns from his childhood. He's with Kageyama.

    Misumi - He is the boss of the Doushinkai (he was under another boss, an oyabun, who was sick and has since died). He used to be Yashiro's lover (and it seems he was quite violent at it, which Yashiro claimed he enjoyed), but he is now more of a mentor and a father figure to Yashiro. He respects and values him for his intelligence and wants Yashiro to return to the yakuza so he can succeed him.

    Amou - He's… like… Misumi's secretary (?), but also his stepson. His mother died only a while after she married Misumi. Although he's not really related to Misumi, they are very close. A very discreet but also quite powerful character.

    Atsushi Ryuuzaki - He was the boss of the Matsubara (which was also a branch of the Doushinkai), but now it doesn't exist anymore. He used to have sex with Yashiro and it turns out he actually loved Yashiro enough to put his own life at risk to protect Yashiro's. He was led on by Hirata in a drug business that was meant to take Yashiro (and Ryuuzaki) out of the command line. He is now in prison.

    Yuusuke Nanahara - He's Yashiro's subordinate and very loyal. He’s like… very cool. But I don’t know what else to say about him except that he not so secretly kinda wants to bang Yashiro too.

    Kazuaki Hirata - He was below Misumi but above Yashiro and Ryuuzaki in the yakuza hyerarchy (he was their "uncle" or so he kept saying, disgusting bastard) and he wanted to be the one to succeed Misumi. To achieve that, he orchestrated a plan in which he would take Yashiro (and Ryuuzaki) out, but the plan failed and he ended up killed by Misumi's men. He also had murdered Misumi's best friend back in the day (who left his little niece behind that Misumi still checks up on from time to time), also to try to gain power in the group and that was all cleared up in leading up to his execution.

    Muraji - The boss of the Sakuraba clan and Doumeki’s new boss. He agreed to Amou’s request and reluctantly took Doumeki in without knowing a thing about his past. He grew to trust Doumeki because he saved his daughter Niki when she was kidnapped, but he kinda never gave up on learning more about Doumeki, hence why he put Kamiya up to spy on him.

    Kamiya - He's from the Sakuraba clan and Doumeki's partner in their latest mission (find and capture Kido and Yamakawa). He is also spying on Doumeki for their boss, Muraji.

    Yamakawa - A casino owner. He has debts for the Sakuraba clan.

    Shinji - A guy from the Sakuraba clan who was sent to collect Yamakawa's debt but was run over by Kido Shuuya.

    Kido Shuuya - He used to be part of the Matsubara group. He ran over Shinji and escaped with Yamakawa.

    Guys, correct me if there is something wrong. And please add more information if you like.

    rmc August 24, 2020 2:42 am
    I can’t promise to get all the characters (I think I’ll get bored halfway through), but I'll try...Yashiro - The guy who used to be a waka gashira (middle man right under the yakuza clan leader) for the Shi... Tiny_Snail

    Thank you so much!!! I just finished the most recent chapter and I understand it so much better now hahahha - that was such a good run down heheh

    Tiny_Snail August 24, 2020 9:23 am
    Thank you so much!!! I just finished the most recent chapter and I understand it so much better now hahahha - that was such a good run down heheh rmc

    Great :) glad I could help

    Arleetanime August 25, 2020 1:02 am

    Same! Can someone just break it down and tell me who ends up with who because as much as I love the young “boyfriends” I want the high school friends to end up together and I just lost interesting trying to read to find out. Soooo help my lazy undedicated self.

    Tiny_Snail August 25, 2020 12:39 pm
    Same! Can someone just break it down and tell me who ends up with who because as much as I love the young “boyfriends” I want the high school friends to end up together and I just lost interesting trying to... Arleetanime

    Young boyfriends? I have no idea what you're talking about...

    Arleetanime August 25, 2020 1:14 pm
    Young boyfriends? I have no idea what you're talking about... Tiny_Snail

    Bahaha because I’m an idiot. That’s how I see them in my kind. I was talking about Kuga and doumeki. I just want yashiro and kanji together but I’m over it so I stopped reading. Clearly I’m not super devoted :(

    tinker August 26, 2020 2:14 am


    Tiny_Snail August 26, 2020 11:08 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Spoilerex

    Oh! Thank you very much! I totally confused those two

    Tiny_Snail August 26, 2020 11:09 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! blue

    Yeah, they turn all the hierarchical designations to "boss", it's very confusing sometimes

rmc August 17, 2020 1:08 pm

i can’t

rmc August 16, 2020 12:27 pm

i cant even with these two

rmc June 30, 2020 2:47 am

ok but I need more ASAP

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