bro whys the age gap always so big, genuinely what is the reason

I think you're the one who needs that,because I'm a 90s baby,we didn't have to be blue haired activist to love a person we just loved and that's what makes us different from most of you young LGBT people of today,y'all want to fuck anything that moves not love and commet to a partner.You all use youtube and tictok influecers as a guide to relationships when most of those people are mentally not ok in the first place yet y'all listen to and support their bullshit.

That's why these days abortion and sexually transmitted diseases is so high amongst young people,y'all are never happy,always in trouble and can't make good decisions and I mean most of y'all ok and not all,there are few smart young LGBT adults and some of them actually want love,commitment and to build a family and so if it's to date an older person who matches their desire for that then good for them.

if some younger lesbians want an actual good relationship wouldnt they date another younger lesbian who'd want a good relationship?? you cant just generalise what people want out of a relationship just from their age. that aside, these manga artists choose their characters to have big age gaps and its borderline weird and illegal. im just sick of reading good yuri and finding out they have a 10 year gap

whys your media comprehension literally zero.... i specifically said that i read yuri and find out they have big age gaps after??? plus im just tired of authors making age gaps so fucking big all of the time. like its something they literally choose for their characters to have specifically
also aint no way u replied to me with a 2018 youtube format are you not embarrassed are you really trying to get a point across when youre ROLEPLAYING. yk js saying cus u said ur born in the 90s

I think most of us can agree that you're the dumb one here. Talking as if young teens aren't the most likely victims of grooming by older people. Young people are allowed to enjoy sexual feelings in a healthy way while also feeling strong romantic feelings. Most young people are very much exploring their sexualities like how older lgbtq people did dosen't mean all young queer people are sex fanatics this is genuinely such a brain dead take that dosen't understand the complexities and changes in life.

Again,Don't read the age gap stories simple you jackass,how can you be out here reading someone's work and mad because they are telling the type of story they wanna tell,go write your fucking own story and read it to your dumb ass self why don't you,an I guess yiu gave birth to me to tell me whether I'm a 90s baby or not huh....anyhoo I sure didn't come out of your BIG DRY CUNT so don't worry about when my charming self was born k

So let me point out how dumb your comment is,a person can like alot of sex but also enjoy doing it with 1 partner that they are in a commented relationship with but when a person who likes alot of sex with man,woman,animal,place and thing,meaning they would fuck the globe if it had a hole then that person is a walking std,ain't nobody want a walking std bruh.

Let's make it clear the Queer part has nothing to do with being LGBT,It's the queers that make the LGBT community look crazy and not once did I say anything about teens I keep saying young adults and older LGBT people dating in a healthy relationship not based on just fucking a person,most of the young " queers " as you said are just confused crazies who ran head first into the LGBT community to feel like they're part of something when In fact they are straight,bored and lonely blue haired

I know I keep saying a person in their early 20s being with an older lesbian in her 30s 0r early 40s never mention anything about an 18yrs old you stupid asshole ,you're just grasping as straws you idiot loser dumb ass,I'll say it again...if the age gap bothers you then DON'T READ IT,GO WRITE YOUR OWN FUCKING STORY AND READ IT TO YOUR FUCKING SELF....K

Hey dumb ass I'm saying nothings wrong with age gap committed relationships and I'm saying it's better than a young adult just fucking around with multiple people,I'm saying the young adult who chooses to date and older person is fine over being a fuck girl,it's the fuck girls who are walking stds and that's just a fact,walking around with your pussy itching will never Trump waking up to a person who serves you breakfast in bed.

have u not realised that ive been talking about fictional characters this whole time...? its the authors that choose for their CHARACTERS to have a big age gap. most of the time it doesnt even contribute that much to the plot and its almost like a fetish atp. before ur non comprehensive ass shouts "THE DONT READ AGE GAP" ive never seeked age gaps yuris and i only find out theyre like 10 years apart after reading a big chunk of the story. it does nothing to the plot but make it weird and its so unnecessary that in tired. do u not understand what im saying hello???

Then when you realize they are age gap then drop the story you idiot,move the fuck on dude but no you read it and I'm sure you feast your eyes on the sex scenes then still complain about the age gap part of it,you actually are the one who seems sick in the head,for me I read the synopsis and then choose what stories I read so maybe try that instead of masturbating to age gap sex scenes while being mad about it being age gap duhhhh.

im literally repeating my points but you just dont get it. teaching a pre schooler would be easier atp. that aside i do drop them once i realise theyre age gap literally wdym... i took a look at the first page then left for this story. and no ones talking abt sex scenes btw, if there are any in this manga i wouldn't know cus i didnt read it. when tf did i talk abt masturbating u weirdo? have u considered the possibility that im a minor and ur spewing out weird shit like this? like imagining a minor masturbating while defending age gaps is kinda crazy... but you'd say it's normal ig.

Queer has everything to do with lgbtq its literally part of the name its a universal term for people who aren't fully able to describe themselves but indeed know they're queer and this is such a generalised statement that is clearly untrue about confused crazies just cause the world is more accepting to queer identities now dosen't mean it has to be so closed off to people from learning without the repercussions of being killed or attacked you can't dictate if someone if straight or not ur not a gay guru you think you are and again you kept saying "young people" not young adults, and most young people who do end up thinking about sex often are in fact teenagers going through puberty and there very much are older queer people who are very sexually active this is such a one sided biased point of view and you're literally spreading the same old rethoric about stds to demonise young queer people the same tactics people would use back then against all queer people. Its so funny to me how you literally just went off the point plot when og comment was talking about sudden age gaps added in gls that are ruining the content. You're so mad that it sounds like your partner went for someone younger or you like getting involved with young people

Look you knucklehead,if you're a minor you shouldn't even be reading anything of the yurimangago,go do your fucking homework and take car of your dog or something,go study stupid....y'all want to act grown with the content you feast your eyes on then want to say hey I'm a minor when people roast your dumb asses,come the fuck on,this is what alot of y'all need a person who will bust out some cuss words toward y'all so y'all could stay in y'alls lane and don't think adults don't know y'all so-called minors don't be up to some nasty sexual shit in this day and age so you ain't fooling nobody.

I'll talk about what ever I wanna talk about,I'm not here to talk about what you want me to talk about when you want me to I'm not afraid of the blue haired cult of queers....but alas the straights are finally coming to their senses and pushing back at y'all and I hope y'all loose some rights in the process.The LGB community don't need or want y'all messing up the rights that was fought for all these years.

What a dumb ass comment ...anyways I said young adults in age gap commetted relationships are fine and I said it's the young dumb ass queers of today that make the tq+ look crazy,the LGB are of a sexual orientation and the T is trans sexual,the TQ+ are about gender and identity which is a bunch of cult assholes with mental disorders,y'all young TQ+ are the mentally insane leading eachother nothing more nothing less.

Very true, bunch of weirdos hiding under LGBT label. If you can't decide what you are then don't project yourself like something else. Tired of these mentally ill weirdos making LGBT look crazy. Their "You can identify as something" bullshit and people tolerating does not help them. It will only fuel their delusion. What they actually need is not to join a community but hire a psychologist. So tiring. Before we are afraid to come out of the closet because there's an actual prejudice against LGBTs, now we are afraid to come out because we'll be associated with these freaks who identifies themselves as such. I'm not even sure if they are really part of the community and not just a loner and loser and just wanting validation from anything just to make themselves feel better. They want domination not acceptance since any opinions about them you'll get labelled as whatever-phobic.
Also to enter in the conversation, the age gap is not even cringe. It's just 10 years between adults. It's criminal if it's between 10 and 20. 20 and 30 is just fine. 30 isn't that old. There might be a generation gap but it's something 2 adults can work on.

Yeah age gap ain't a bad thing when a person is already in their 20s and dating someone 10 years or so older,it's like these dumb asses think 30 or 35 or even 40yrs old is 80 or 90yrs old,fact Is alot of people around 40 hit the gym and look even better than alot of people in their 20s who don't take care of themselves,heck when I was training in the military when I was 19yrs old I used to struggle with the miles run times but in my late 20s it was way easier to do in less time.
I just watch on YouTube that the LGB Aliance was disturbed by 3 girls of the TQ+,they threw insects and garbage into the room yet they want respect when they show and have NO RESPECT FOR OTHERS and that's why I say fuck those assholes and I will never respect or support them,the members that were there in the LGB alience gathering were dressed well,spoke well and the vibe was holesome and the TQ+ act like deranged mental cases,all they do is create problems,getting people fired,yelling and screaming,being violent and such and are proud of all that and think perfectly sane people should respect that type of behavior or is it that they want fear not respect...but I'm not into their shit and I have no problem cussing them out to their faces,I have no love for them and their shit.

thoes "blue hair cult of queers" probably got the community more rights than uyour narrow mindedness will never change the way you think and thats why no one cares enough to educate you anymore, anyways the weekends r over and i got stuff to do, have fun being unemployed and scrolling through twitter!!

Transphobic is not even a fucking word,y'all crazy activist asses just making up shit as you go along to try to make sane people look bad but get this I don't fucking care about any of y'all so NO I will not feel bad or feel sorry for your dumb assessment,y'all are a bunch of confused mental cases that needs severe therapy ever hour on the hour without breaks because noone should thrust any of you freaks.

Yeah I'm the type of adult who has no problem with cussing kids who think mouthing off to an adult is a smart thing to do,I'm not your friend, mom or dad so yeah I will cuss your stupid ass out,also I'm a proud supporter of the LGB community the TQ+ could all vanish from the earth so the straights and the LGB folks could live a normal life.

Lmao wow you genuinely crack me up cause you literally just proved every single study that talks about transphobic people having underdeveloped frontal lobes what a fucking dumbass and what a fucking bias story Trans people are literally the reason any of lgb people have rights and queer people is literally a universal term you fucking dumbass. You're literally a straight cis male fetishising yuri rn stfu and take a biology book on gender and sex and pray your frontal lobe gets developed soon even though you're hitting 40 soon you old stupid nasty fuck

How many of y'all trying to argue with just me hahahaha and all y'all still look stupid,y'all BIG mad at this one stranger who thinks for herself and not gonna allow y'all to control the way I think,y'all TQ+ needs therapy or prison for the things y'all do to kids and random strangers on the streets and minimum wagers,people are too soft on y'all,the men who fool other men into sleeping with them are right to get their justice when they realize they been basically raped because they thought those men were women then to find out they are not,those straight men contented to sleep with and or date straight women not a trans.

And your vagina probably has a uti loser nobody wants to get near that shit. You keep saying transphobic shit but really you sound stupid asf bro please genuinely learn biology and social gender studies itll make you less stupid maybe you'll earn a braincell or two dumbass if most people are attacking you and the only one on your side are men you know you're wrong. Hard to believe that you're an adult who's reading on an illegal manga website don't you got money or what what is your ass doing here you fucking loser.

Are you not on the same site refine shit too,hahahahaa you are dumber than I thought and thankfully lesbian unlike the " queers " are wayyyyy less at risk for stds you jack ass because we are not sick perverts like y'all of the Tq+ freaks of the world and yeah I rather befriend and defend a straight man or woman against your cult of queers anyway and I would rather befriend the straights over the TQ+ easily.
Born male then you will die male,born female you will die female,all the gender identity shit means nothing to me and fact is it also means nothing to y'all is why y'all need constant confirmation from people each and every day,y'all are the scum of the earth.

Ahhahahahahaaaaa,a transman hahahahahahhahaha what the fuck,why would I want to look stupid,women walking around masquerading looking like men with their little hands and alot of them act feminine like their true gender,nah fool I like being a woman,loveeee being a woman and I don't need to look like a man heck if these dumb cunts go to the gym like I do and put on muscle then that might make them feel better mentally but they too stupid to try other ways to make then feel good about their bodies.

What a lame ass comeback hahaha,all y'all look dumb,that's why all the tq+ have to gather in numbers because y'all need to have that to come up against the sane people that still knows what a woman is and those of us who won't let y'all get away with your stupid shit,seriously i love it when men take action against those evil trans.women who lie about their gender and sleep with straight men and the men finds out...I support those guys who fuck them up when they catch onto them.

Yawnnnnn,that's the best you have wow,each and everyone of your comebacks are lame as fuck,ok my turn....Yo mama fat,ugly and dunce,her breath stinks and her boobs big and saggy and if she tries to run she be playing football with those huge boobs of hers I bet her legs are so darn thin though she a fat slug that she mistakes them for goal post and can kick her boobs in and scores.

neither of us are trans nor queer... u look straight up stupid the way you lack human empathy is kinda crazy too! also you do acknowledge gender dysphoria is a thing so why not trans ppl? some ppl choose to transition when they have gender dysphoria. not sure how you can process one thing but not the next

The difference between you and me is that your an adult bragging about having a life (you don't) and income (shocking that you even managed to get a job tbh, you insult people like a 10 year old on roblox) and im a teenager with significantly more brain cells than you. You're on an illegal manga website so you can get off to yuri porn because you at the ripe age of 30+ have no relationship or sex life that you throw a tantrum because the queers are getting more bitches than your ass. Please learn about stds anyone can get an std with or without sexual acts dumbass. Spoiler alert the straights don't care about your ass or your rights stay delusional all you want but the only reason your ass is able to kiss a women openly is thanks to trans women learn history you fucking nitwit google is free you sound like a clown right now, even your grammer is ass. The biggest scum of the earth is you and your lowkey predatory mindset, nobody cares enough about you for their gender to mean something to you. You're not the main character everything dosen't revolve around you loser. Enough with the delusions and embarassing your old ass self infront of minors. Do me a favour and bring your disease ridden pussy to the background. Having a brain is genuinely NOT for everyone and definitely NOT for you.

Tehehehee hahahaha you wrote all that and still it means nothing,an I have an accent so how I write is how I speak so if it bothers your dumb ass then don't read what I write stupid,anyhow....I'm an adult and I can read adult tag if I want to BECAUSE I AM AN ADULT,it's you stupid ass kids of the Tq+ who want to act grown and then say your kids when an adult fucks y'all up,so the I'm a kid card you want to pull that out when it suits you but I don't give 2 fucks about that card at all you jackass.
How can one be a preditor when one is only interested in dating others of adult age,see how stupid you sound,it's dumb asses Luke you who come where adults reside online and pretend to be an adult and attract the predators and I bet y'all enjoy that shit until it becomes dangerous for y'all,that part y'all won't take responsibility for I'm sure,my mom is alive and well oh yes she is and if you're mad that I said that then stay mad fool.

girl get off twt js cus one person did it doesnt meanthe whole community did it?? u gonna start saying every germans hitler next omg. i can probably name 10 more straight men who groomed, killed and raped more ppl than the amount of TQ ppl u can name. besides im solely lesbian too? no ones asking abt whos side ur on u started this whole thing on ur own

Yo mama really gave birth to your dumbass by mistake,you really out here asking me to name people of the Tq+,ain't nobody got time to waste on that shit also your father fucked your whoring mother in the ass and the sperm slipped into her HUGE pussy and she got pregnant with you by mistake,you're a mistake

i only asked u to name them cus u act like yk all of them. are the dots connecting? also im sure this is very mature level headed of a 30 y.o woman to be typing like this... you seriously cannot expect anyone to take you seriously when ur spewing out all this random shit.. i have loving parents and they had me and my sibling on purpose stop projecting ur pitiful ass onto me weirdo. by the way u act i can tell how spiteful of an environment u were raised up in.

alright diddy, of course your porn corrupted mind thinks every Yuri manga that exists has to have a sex scene in it. otherwise you'd have no reason to read any of it don't you? you don't care about the plot, or the struggles of a WLW relationship. and for that reason youll never truely enjoy Yuri. people like you who objectify this genre as a whole disgusts me you're no better than a straight man who only uses women as sex objects.

Hey stupid,I do not like them and never will and yes if they lie to a man claiming they are biologically female and sleeps with the man and he finds out they tricked him and he does something about it to them then they are at fault for lieing to men who are straight,I don't care what happens to them because it's similar to rape,if a straight man didn't consent to sleep with a Trans and the trans tricked him then that's taking the straight man's choice to say no away from him.

You're an adult and still a dumbass, stop beefing with people (mostly minors) online about your weird bigoted beliefs this ain't your turf, go to twitter, this is a damn manga website, go comment how you like or dislike stories, not your opinions about LGTB+ people. Not only do you randomly reply to a message with a degrading manner towards newer generation LGBT+ people, you are acting openly transphobic and childish, instead of trying to acknowledge what they are trying to say and reply you're just purely cussing them out and all. What's the point of continuing to beef with people online if you're just barely scanning their words, it makes you look like you have no job /srs (and no, i'm not saying you don't have one, it's the image one could create of you based of your comments) I get the point of the age gap but there really is no need to drag it out this long (whole argument took like 9/10th of the whole scroll bar, you've been beefing for almost a whole month). Just accept that they read it and have their own opinions about it, they can complain about it as long they don't directly harass on the author or are weird about it. There are comment and review sections to let people like them to know that this story contains a big age gap. You could've wasted your time on writing that review of information to prevent people who don't like these themes to avoid this story, instead of beefing and cussing people out . Also, being this pressed about trans people, really is your problem, get therapy, you should go outside and get to know diverse people. There are problems worth more than hating on trans people. (if it looks like my comment shows up twice, its because my website is broken)

Hold my hands when I say this. It's going to blow your mind,,,, you being a lesbian, makes you a queer person. (being a queer person doesn't mean you're lesbian, it's like saying how an apple is a fruit but a fruit isn't an apple) (no chrissy the sentence between the previous brackets aren't necessarily meant towards you)

Hahahaaaaa,hey I rather be an old man as you say over being a dude in a dress hahahaaa,tucking his dick and balls up his asshole so he can pretend to be a woman which he will never be and since I'm a lesbian,getting women is easy and women with a biological vagina and not a hole that a guy crafted then named it vagina as if naming a dog.

Hey so this is kinda insane to say!
Especially to someone you don't know the exact age of! Im not even trans and you hating on queer people doesn't make sense when you are one, a lesbian. I literally don't care if youre old I dont care youre a lesbian, you still a bitch acting childishly , age says not everything about maturity and it shows. Having such a hate towards a group of people who do no harm and wishing violence on them is kinda ridiculous. You can read whatever you want but it really just shows what kind of person you are. Someone who wouldn't reflect on their actions and acknowledge their wrong doings.

Just say that your head Whistles whenever someone is talking to you Chrissy! Really I see no hope. It's like you and knowledge are 2 negative parts of a magnet, repulsing, pushing each other away. Even a blind person could see the aura of your stupidity by just the feeling, it's supernatural, I bet it could attract aliens with how much it's radiating.

I don't give two fucks about the tq+ but I do care about the LGB community and whatever happens to the tq+ who likes fooling straight men into having any sexual contact with them or going into female spaces and sport and pushing their shit agendas in schools and confusing kids then ofcourse I won't care about ppl Like that if something bad happens to their dumdasses,and If you feel like a person in their 30s is old then you can feel that way if you want to I don't care,I'm in the land of the living and that's what matters so go suck a goats balls and relax.

I mean the alien thing again yawn yawn yawn,man these asshole are so darn boring no wonder many of y'all get bullied at school,y'all so darn weak though...anywayz go check on your mama she be fucking the neighbors dog,seems your daddy's dick nolonger get hard so she been sexually frustrated hahahaaa wow
some of yall cant handle weird hot lesbians and it shows