Please I'm so glad to not be the only one who notices that Arjen is not getting enough screen time. You put twins in for a reason and honestly, Arjen is my favorite character out of the twins. Arjen just follows after Arjens lead mostly, I hope they don't just forget about Arjen. I'm still reading it to see!
Damn so many people hating love triangles and every body here. If you don't like it then don't say anything or stop reading, I don't mean to sound rude. Not in any shape or form so I'm sorry if it comes out like that. But you should be more aware of your words and if you really don't like love triangles like this, then as a supportive and loving way. Make your own, I know you got this!
Reading that letter, it did NOT sound like Kayden at all. Even Kayden has sense to him about romance and confessions, but he wouldn't honestly be so into it to write a whole letter. I think someone is pulling the wheel here and wrote that letter pretending to be Kayden because there is no way, he at the time (of wanting to fight, be strong and be oh so powerful) had ever thought of having romantic feelings for someone. Just wonder who it could be. #-.-)
He asked chatgpt frfr