You'd be surprised but, there's many parents who raise kids with zero knowledge, self esteem or armor in preparation for the world. They send them into the public, helpless against the ways of others, mindless/easily controlled, and ready to serve anyone/everyone who applies the teeniest amount of pressure because that's how the parents managed to "raise" the kid. If you know then you just fucking know; I happen to know.
She was raped from the beginning - sex while being high AND UNDERAGE is a double non-consent. This trauma, bonded her to the drugs and to the POS playing mind games with her.
Sure, she continued doing drugs, but he said he loved her...just like her daddy said a million times, before he too, raped her. What girl wouldn't believe their dad loved them, and if daddy says it and means it, then so doesn't this sketch asf dude she gave her virginity to.(Might also add that the concept of "virginity" may have also played a part...to me, 'ViRgInItY' is not that big of a deal, but I don't think she, *or most girls for that matter* think the same.)
That first client, not obeying her boundaries, raped her too.
Everyone else after is a symptom of systematic sexual abuse and neglect. (Hypersexuality and drug abuse.)
There are MANY girls/women/children just like her and you wouldn't even know...so really the ball is in men's court:
"When do you stop raping?
When will your *pee-pee* be the VERY LAST thing to touch a woman?
When do you stop having friends like these bad men; aren't you just as guilty?
After climbing inside another person's body, have the decency to be kind and maybe a little grateful, or don't do it at all."
The statistics prove themselves: you're killing us, both in body and spirit.
Before you go trolling, get FAWKED sideways.
Don't shoot the messenger, just Change your ways.

Her spirit lingers and she hunts down everyone who looked the other way/took advantage/ abandoned her, leaving the teens for last....hunting them down, one by one, (especially the phone holder) handing out the most gruesome of deaths on some 'I know what you did last summer' type shit. Her parents, Upon seeing her newly spectral face in a window, her father dies, falling to his death, impaled through and through. After the revenge is complete, a gentle hunter/medium/monk sends her and her baby into the light. Acknowledging her pain she was trying to escape, and leading her to a peaceful afterlife that she should've had all along. finally in death she is given the only kindness she didnt have to pay for.
From the events of my life, I can fully understand her. I can feel her, even though she isn't real...because the situations are. No one came to my side, it seems that kicking while already down is the only option in humanity nowadays. Atleast someone out there in real life will be saved, sad it wasnt her in this novel, or me.
Side note:
Can there ever be black anime characters that dont have to be considered sluts/drug addicts/loose/loud/wrong-in-some-way/ect? Thatd be nice, makes me feel better about the skin I'm in...js.
"Earth is another version of hell, and humans, its demons."
You don't have to read the book. It's literally RIGHT THERE in the title:
The Hero, VIOLATING, the girls.
I mean....you've really gotta be dumb to be surprised by what's happening in the book.
I think the book was good. Decent plot. Nice colors and scenes- I just wish all the women weren't virgins, but this is in a setting of long ago, and it isn't like our world today. Back then, women for the most part, were all virgins, and "rape" didn't really exist- it was just sex whether you wanted it or not.
It is what it is.
Don't come for the author, don't come for the fans, certainly don't come for me because I'm happy to cross several lines in offending someone.
There are many women IRL who have been raped, SA, molested, ECT, and some of them get off on seeing it happen simply because it helps them cope. Like exposure therapy. There's even a kink for it called consensual non consent. Nothing wrong with people for looking at it, or for fapping to it if that's what they like.
At the end of the day, let people be themselves. If you don't like it then please...kindly fuck all the way off
I'm more mad that some characters who doesn't make sense to be virgins are virgins
The saint grow up in a whorehouse till she was developed and even had the mark in her ass? Virgin
The fucking succubus? Virgin
The concubine? Virgin
Other than that I can follow (this is just redo of the healer)
Super agree, I was so confused, like, "what's a virgin doing in a whore house?" And follow up, "why's a SUCCUBUS a freaking virgin?! What??!!" Lol that made zero sense but I suppose the author likes virgins so I'm not knocking it, only side-eying it lol
now u just making stuff up... who said anything about being surprised