I really enjoyed the world building and realistic feelings of the characters. The FL was a somewhat selfish character and "villainess" material but she had complex emotions and you couldn't help but root for her happy ending. I really liked how despite her hatred for Helena she still respected her and wished for her happiness.

Really disappointing and disgusting to hear the manga author molested two junior high school girls. He's rightfully arrested but this means the manga is forever stained by his horrible reputation. I just hope the best for the artist and that she can find a new project soon. Sad to see a story like this with such potential get cancelled because the author is a trash person.

With the way Kei's thoughts and "inner personas" are depicted, combined with his traumatic past makes me think he has DID. Just my opinion. This story is so good but also so sad, just let them be happy please!!!

I think that she has borrowed heavily from Freud's theory of personality here. I tend to think of the 'demon' persona as Kei's emotional centre, his impulses and desires and feelings, (basically the parts that were considered useless trash by the controller personality), which has started having more and more control since he has been falling in love with Yutaka. His 'id', as it were.
The hyper-rational controller persona is his 'super-ego', or the coping, procedural part of his mind that had developed in response to the extreme physical and sexual abuse he endured as a young child. Seeing the age they're both portrayed as only increases the impression of their stunted development in comparison to Kei's age - poor moral awareness, etc.
Though I could also be wrong. :) I promise, they will be happy in the end!
For once I actually endorse some one jumping off the 9th floor, that would have been a better ending than what we got. I feel so bad for that future child too.