It pisses me off when people call her dumb. I like nocton but I think he is the dumb one. He never confined to her and the lack of communication is on his part not hers she has always told him what she wanted and what she felt
When she wanted him to call her by her name she told him and pestered him for years and he never explained anything
Also do people think she has a copy of the webtoon on her or something?! Do they realize she is not prevy to the info we have?! She literally didn't witness anything for her to just be able to know shit before the chapter with noctons pov I was as confused as duroa!
Imagine not understanding your friend at all and then u suddenly find out he brainwashed you and does shady things?!
Dude what do you expect?!! She thinks u are brainwashing her.
I feel for you nocton but I understand her better.i would feel so betrayed if I thought my friend was brainwashing me
Its disrespectful, it makes u doubt yourself and everything
Its also a breech of privacy and you are explaining nothing to her
What. A. Badass
Bad. Bitch
I. Am. In. Love