Dumbass story ngl. If i could give 0 stars I would. Like oh look the 400 year old grooming and manipulating a child to submit to them. Yall know damn well if it was an angry vengeful man grooming a 14 year old girl yall would fucking lose it. And then I thought, well let's see her big revenge! She's been so hurt you know? She then proceeds to not care for anyone but herself unless it suits the story!
The children in the orphanage get a free pass but the children killed in her senseless wars? Well! Out of sight out of mind! And why have those wars again? Oh yeah! No reason. She punishes the common people instead of the people who actually hurt her because that makes so much sense! And that's her whole big thing right? She's so smart and sensible and she knows exactly what she's doing all the time :) oh wait...
she raised that groomed child to obsess over her and care for nothing but her and saw how manic he could get over her, and then thought: Teehee! If I leave he won't care :D because that makes sense. Instead of some voodoo cults words which she had absolutely no reason to believe "huh I never wanted to kill him or any of the children with fragments or the group I'm hanging with, but hey! If these people I barely know say it must be true than it must be!" But yeah no let's choose the route that's almost guaranteed to ruin my plans the most and the person I "love" while I'm at it too. Dumb. Ass. Story.