nah, i didnt like them enough to ruin the friendship we had, and i knew it would be ruined cause they were all straight, man i hate being a lesbian reply
if my country makes it legal then probably, but i'd have like 3 guests come to the wedding from my family cause all of them are hardcore christians reply
i mean if its like furiosa's or eleven's style i really want to try but my parents dont want to and i dont know if it'll look good on me so... but if its completely bald then i wouldnt lol reply
and also gay girls, has any yuri fan (idk how we're called lol) ever annoyed you? like at conventions or when you are on a date with a same sex partner or something. I've heard it's very annoying when they start taking pictures or screaming or whatever, but ive never seen it happen so, has it happened to you? And what did they do to annoy you? also fujoshis can answer if you have annoyed a gay guy and then apologize