MC is weak, and it was pissing me off. Also hated that 2 tailed bitch, so wanted she d be killed one of the first. But as always, the most annoying characters stay till the end. I was reading this story after the 3 rd one, which i found better. Probably cuz of MC there. Well, in any case, good manga
Pretty interesting and not boring. ... But what s with orders about sex? That's how authors teach the kids. So, because of that one thing, i gave 4 stars to the story
MC is the hottest ever)) guess every girl, who reading this, r into him. As i m. Well, about the creator... I think he ll show himself again. Probably in the end. And he told about other monarchs. So maybe them too (not those int.honters). But for now we r enjoying op MC (not to mention his beauty)
Confused. Her friends was dead (it seems), but now they r alive. And MCs dad also... Well, my brain needs some rest for now. ... Good and interesting story, but i ll continue to read it after some time
Don’t give up!! You will understand if you continue to read hahaha I also had a hard time at this point, but it’s actually really good when you understand and have that “ahhhhhhh” moment :)
Don’t give up!! You will understand if you continue to read hahaha I also had a hard time at this point, but it’s actually really good when you understand and have that “ahhhhhhh” moment :) meimaciel
Well, can't blame any of 2 girls, cuz every girl d do, what they could, to be with prince. But MC is really smart and d be the greatest choice for (any) prince.
Wow! Didn't want to read it at first, cuz of the weird cover pic. But somehow decided. And now it the one of the best psychological stories, i ve ever red.
MC is weak, and it was pissing me off. Also hated that 2 tailed bitch, so wanted she d be killed one of the first. But as always, the most annoying characters stay till the end.
I was reading this story after the 3 rd one, which i found better. Probably cuz of MC there.
Well, in any case, good manga