why is everyone so aggressive to the duke bro WHAT did he do

He’s bothering Penelope and making her uncomfortable. However what truly irked people is his thoughts. It seems like he’s planning something just because he sees that the mage is doing well with Penelope. Hopefully he’s just interested in how he got over ohHeroine instead of wanting to butt in to the relationship.

can you list down when he bothered penelope? i literally cant remember any other times he did bother her except for sleeping in her working space and intruding in on her coffee time, which she allowed out of politeness despite being uncomfortable, and i see none of it as a big enough issue for people to call him names and literally send threats
he didnt plan anything to do against the mage and penelope hes just curious how the man most in love with the previous fl suddenly got attached to this new woman, the duke also just barely started showing real interest in penelope, its all still fresh as hell so where are people getting these theories already

It is affecting her but once again did you read the manhwa? She has to accommodate him because of his higher status even when she pretends she doesn't know his identity. The typical annoyed fl annoying ml is her and the mage. He's literally there in her own office and even expressed discomfort but she can't do anything because the snow hasn't melted. So no, she can't just "politely kick him out", it's like y'all don't actually read only the pictures.

dude its not as if the duke is someone who wouldnt leave if hes not welcomed anyway no matter his status if he was actually as arrogant and obnoxious as everyones stating he wouldnt sleep on the floor regardless of the heating, he wouldve demanded better hospitality even if its impossible, its like you can only judge things THROUGH YOUR OWN EYES SO OPEN UP AND STOP JUDGING EVERYTHING AT FACE VALUE

skipped to chap 92 and why is she still a child

Points were made!! I agree with you so much, also I am here for the baby parts, I needed more childhood stories as a break from all the “adult intrigue and action” stuff lately. If people don’t like too much kid action then maybe don’t read the story that literally has “baby” in the title??? There’s already enough mangas/manhwas/manhuas with place intrigue that timeskips to adulthood or starts as adults!!!

You can move on if you don’t like it? But let me give you a recap =), she made an information guild and is having a silent battle of keeping that guild alive while her family tries to burn it down for being suspicious, she managed to make a miracle of healing an arena full of injured people, she made friends with a grieving furmom and gave her closure, and there’s a lot more to be said but this is already long.
Again, if this isn’t your cup of tea, no need to rain on everybody’s party and go find what makes you happy =)
broo the balls look weird asl why are they 2 individual sacks