Any yaois from seme's POV? pls nothing angsty or super dramatic. Thanks

Seme POV list

There was this manga where a girl reincarnates to the body of a girl (let's call her M) who is a part of a story she read. In the story, the original M was in love with a guy or somthing but M's butler was in love with M. The girl who entered M's body loves the butler. But later on the butler finds out that the girl in M's body is not his master but falls in love with this girl again.
I'm so sorry for this confusing description but I'll really appreciate it if you can help me
HELP!! im searching for this one horror webtoon??? Or manhua??? I dont remember but it had like super good drawing. The only thing I remember is that it has this super cool closeup panel of the eye of the main character. I saw that panel being reposted a lot on tumblr and pinterest.
u could paste a link of the image if uve saved it so i can check or sum
It's probably Shen Ze