He doesn't hate her per se.. I think he used to? But now they just give off a typical sibling vibe and he thinks that he knows what's good for Agnes.
He's also fueled by the fact that having Raymond as a brother in law would be beneficial for his reign when he takes the throne.
Like if he wants to integrate Raymond into the royal family so much he should just marry him

He’s a complicated ml and tbh i dont know how they will handle their love story because personally they BOTH need to heal because they’re BOTH victims. Don’t villainize a tragically written character—they did some toxic stuff and that shouldn’t be justified but humans have complex brains and emotions, so im kinda liking this story and how the ML isnt like those typical “i had a shit childhood so i will be cold controlling psychotic obsessed with FL”

OMG PLSSS. There’s no justification for what he did. Her only crime was loving him. He literally tormented this girl to the point of death all for his sick twisted insecure complex for a crime she didn’t commit. It’s not her fault that’s how her father was and how she was brought up, so no. He’s the one at fault

i absolutely agree, he did some fucked up stuff to her but he had some fucked up shit happen to him. it doesn't excuse but it does explain and if he can make proper growth which it look like they're trying to portray maybe it can be healthy. wish ppl would understand this is not meant to be a cute love story

He caused someone so much pain they wanted to end it… and you’re like “ make a proper growth” and “can be healthy”. And I’m pretty sure nobody expected it to be a cute love story, seeing as he tormented her from the get go ?!? And regardless of wtv sob story he has, the pain he caused her can’t be erased so it’s not just a cute little “oops”

the way I didn't say that lmao. never said it could be erased. but if you want something other than a romantic story read something else. bc from the get it's been obvious they will get back together, after individual growth. we're obviously not even there yet so if this makes you so mad just drop it. like no one is forcing you to read this. there are other green flag MLs. this is just not one of those stories. I personally love some tragic angst so I will continue and be curious on how they grow as characters. since yk... this is a work of fiction.

No-one ever said that this is a “healthy” or “cute” relationship. This is a heavy drama manhwa and it has a very complex written characters, i didnt say that his actions are justified as well, what I said was that he is COMPLEX and he needs to HEAL. This story is NOT supposed to be light or fluffy AT ALL? No one really sees it like that, and like i said I dont know how they will fix their relationship because as I previously read— SPOILERS—
Im pretty sure they will end up together.

You see this is why i HARDLY read straight romance shit anymore why do they always ALWAYS make the girls dumb and fucking annoying? Even IF they are the main character they act so fucking spoiled and entitled gosh I wish authors make more action manga/manhwa/manhua with either a good female character that doesnt need a man or a man character that doesnt fucking romance in his life. If they make romance i wish I JUST WISH they make it realistic and not overbearing cause istg I’LL LOSING MY FUCKING MIND

The FL is a strong-minded, independent woman

"The lady and her butler" is a good start
The women in bl tend to be caricatured nuisance as well because most authors can't be bothered or ironically arising from the internalised misogyny of female mangakas (on rare occasions, there is a healthy representation of women in mangas such as "love so pure")

Give me your hands (webtoon) by the same author as No doubt in us. Both are amazing. No doubt in us also has an anime (Liang Bu Fi).
Give me your hands is a story of a famous actor who suffers from a crippling hand fetish (he is in clinical therapy for it) and meets a make-up artist with beautiful hands who also secretly moonlights as a hand-model influencer "most beautiful hands in the world".
The joy this manhwa gives me cant be explained