What are you talking about. You seem not to have read the manga. The uncle lied and he said he was gonna take care of the kid. He pretended and set up the place to look like he was gonna be a good guardian. What was truthful about that.
He lied to his sister all this time about caring about the kid. He acted like he was a saint, but he never intended to take care of the kid.
And you are telling me he was truthful?
Also after all those years of bulling mc never retaliated or told his mom. He indured it till his teens.
The guy is the uncle. The guardian of his nephew. So are you telling me in your country. Its ok for family members to have sex with underage family members as long as they are adopted? That thats just the norm? And its just the norm to hate kids in the family because they are adopted?
This is a truthful person?
So let me get this straight. In your country. A gaurdian can have sex with thier underage family member and make the kids take care of the caretaker. As long as the sex is purely physical and you let the kids know its just sex? And its ok for the guardian to hate the kids.... Ok.....
What country is this? I need to look up the laws in this country.
Is this cambodia where theres 5yr old prostitute or india where its legal for 5-9yr olds can marry a 40yr old?
Then i kinda understand your messed up point of views.
Most countries... This is a no go.

there had been another chapter to show their reunion. :D