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oneofthoserainydays's question ( All 1 )

Hello all. I am looking for people who want to be friends with me on Discord. I am not going to create a group chat (I unfortunately don’t have enough time to keep up with a group chat). I just want to add people individually. We can talk about animes (even though I haven’t seen thaaat many), yaoi mangas/manhwas, music, and whatever we want to really haha. I am 21 years old and in college. Naturally, please add me if you are at least 18-19 years old. Don’t worry I am not a creep, I will respect anyone’s privacy who wants to add me, I just would rather talk to people who are around my age. And of course, I expect the same respect. Please send me a message and we can talk about it :)
11 12,2020

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