elleeven's feed

elleeven created a topic of Dive (yeonpil)

The recent chapter ugh It made me cry yet made my blood boil bc of Sungjin. His feelings are valid and reasonable not until he assumed things for Sunwoo-- things like he's taking granted of everything. His words also seemed like he's insecure and feeling inferior bc Sunwoo 'had it all'. It's good to step up for a friend (Sunhwa), but not in the way that you'll make the other person feel bad with your misjudgments. Youngwan is right. Sungjin's still immatufe. He's in the wrong if he just assumed what Sunhwa felt was humiliation when she hadn't said anything abt it. The three of them should really face each other and talk abt it. Or maybe just Sunwoo and Sunhwa bc they were the main people involved. I do want to see them all together again, but I just can't really feel empathy with Sungjin for now (I'm so sorry for those who like him maybe).