Yechan's Mom August 21, 2024 7:13 pm

its been a while since ive read this... can someone spoil me on a couple things
1. is there romance?
2. is that lady who was bothersome in the beginning still here
3. ... just whats happening

    omori August 21, 2024 11:46 pm

    1. currently unclear. there is a possible love interest but ijin (MC) has yet to show interest in romance and focuses on his family instead
    2. if u mean the blonde girl that was bullying dayun (MC’s little sister) that bullying arc and her as a whole disappear pretty quick in the beginning (she reappears very very briefly later but she’s not in the limelight and is still humbled)
    3. currently, the main focus is on ijin’s backstory and all the people(friends & enemies) from his past with filler in between the more major and important events. still as action packed as the beginning and still great :)

Yechan's Mom April 22, 2024 6:08 am

the slight racism in stories like these go crazy cause why are you mad at the entire wizard population for the two people who plotted to kill youre parents? why not just seek revenge on thise two? banning magic and blacklisting wizards is an insane move

    asmiir_ April 25, 2024 5:27 pm

    I mean when faced with tragic situations that are incomprehensible people sometimes choose to lash out and seek the route that is most easy to cope and handle.. even in real life you see folks like this who project their pain onto others. It’s very realistic imo and is something to pity. Trauma isn’t always linear

    Yechan's Mom April 25, 2024 11:12 pm
    I mean when faced with tragic situations that are incomprehensible people sometimes choose to lash out and seek the route that is most easy to cope and handle.. even in real life you see folks like this who pro... asmiir_

    yea it is very realistic which is how i know its racist lmao banning a group of people from his town wont make those people cease to exist

    Rinsama_ April 26, 2024 4:00 am
    yea it is very realistic which is how i know its racist lmao banning a group of people from his town wont make those people cease to exist Yechan's Mom

    But it was very successful in not having to encounter any wizard in the land (until the white haired wizard dude of course lol). The thing is he didn't want to erase all wizards. He's trying to protect the land and himself from the wizard.

    Yechan's Mom April 28, 2024 12:38 am
    But it was very successful in not having to encounter any wizard in the land (until the white haired wizard dude of course lol). The thing is he didn't want to erase all wizards. He's trying to protect the land... Rinsama_

    do you realize how racist that mindset is oh lets ban this group of people from this land which they originally inhabitated, declare that they be jailed or killed if they come here and because they followed those laws it can be considered a successful ban.

    promote it under the disguise of protecting the land and people but its really because TWO people in that group killed my parents.
    literally the only reason wizards havent come back is because theyd face PUNISHMENT

    Rinsama_ April 28, 2024 3:32 pm
    do you realize how racist that mindset is oh lets ban this group of people from this land which they originally inhabitated, declare that they be jailed or killed if they come here and because they followed th... Yechan's Mom

    I didn't say it wasn't racist.. he knows that wizards won't cease to exist just because he bans them, but that's how some ppl cope. Not disagreeing with your point too.

    will April 30, 2024 6:19 am

    Hmm it could be. if being a wizard is something you were born with and have no control over, then yeah this is racism. But if it is something you choose to learn and practice, it is more like outlawing certain jobs. sort of like banning prostitution and kicking out all sex workers or disallowing people who work for arms companies that you feel are morally corrupt.
    Still not a good thing of course, but not quite the same as racism.

    Yechan's Mom May 4, 2024 9:51 pm
    Hmm it could be. if being a wizard is something you were born with and have no control over, then yeah this is racism. But if it is something you choose to learn and practice, it is more like outlawing certai... will

    yea i was going under the impression that wizard is something youre born with. because if mana or whatever magical input they have is inherent in the world/ people it would be something thats nearly impossible for them to NOT use ig... idk

Yechan's Mom March 31, 2024 10:59 pm

pls feel free to ignore lmao im just chattin

i think jos feeling are steering away from puppy crush and into obsession. starting w how he expected ian to be romantic or something w him after their first time having sex. ian told him that he doesnt do that type of relationships and yet joe still set himself up in a way. continuing on , in the character analysis page, he said something about how he likes how cool and awesome ian is. then he says that he and ian should be friends, proceeds to get jealous at tj and whoever else ian hangs with. mind you, theyve only known each other a couple months AT MOST, not nearly enough time to develop any strong feelings yet he still did. he also took the gun from his family home which rings a lot of bells. i just dont think that, as someone who hasnt known ian for that long, the feeling that he is developing arent healthy nor do they come from a place of genuine love(?) i guess.

i think that tj has a strong love for ian. in a possessive and protective way. hes being in whatever footsie dance friendship he has with ian for at least 15 years and with all that they've been through together it makes sense that he would develop such a strong need to be with him , of sorts. his possessiveness can be seen in how he sent people to mess with joe, how he marked ian up in visible places. his protectiveness can be seen in how ian is basically able to live the gang-less life without worry of being attacked, as well as him (i think tell me if I understood wrongly) evwn questioning this lifestyle that he was so sure of and thinking about if it was actually as good of a life he wanted. i also think that tj feels some sort of responsibility as the one who remained in the gang to make sure that isn is never harmed since he left it. we repeatedly see instances of both of them being like "[the other] is my only friend and family" or whatever sasunaru angst

    MOONCHILD April 29, 2024 11:42 pm

    I think you understood everything wrongly but time will explain

Yechan's Mom March 28, 2024 6:05 pm

started reading this cause i kept seeing so much about tj and ian... so who tf is joe ???

    Moon12 March 29, 2024 1:22 am

    Right?! Literally started this because TJ is a snackkkkkkkkk and you’re telling me plain ol Jo is the main ML?!

    HRAensn March 29, 2024 11:46 am
    Right?! Literally started this because TJ is a snackkkkkkkkk and you’re telling me plain ol Jo is the main ML?! Moon12

    ML isn’t confirmed and he ain’t plain just cause he isn’t toxic bruhhh. Lmao but aside that author said that endgame will be revealed season 3. We in for a long ride

    And I hope Jo ends up with someone else who can top him. Or I don’t mind seeing TJ being wrecked

    LaNansha March 30, 2024 1:44 am
    ML isn’t confirmed and he ain’t plain just cause he isn’t toxic bruhhh. Lmao but aside that author said that endgame will be revealed season 3. We in for a long ride And I hope Jo ends up with someone els... HRAensn

    Why do people keep associating “plain” with “not toxic”? Weirdest shxt I keep seeing. It’s fine if you can’t fathom why people like TJ, but some of the conclusions yall come up with just ain’t it.

    Moon12 March 30, 2024 3:43 am
    Why do people keep associating “plain” with “not toxic”? Weirdest shxt I keep seeing. It’s fine if you can’t fathom why people like TJ, but some of the conclusions yall come up with just ain’t it. LaNansha

    THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!! I have been so confused why plain is associated with “not toxic” as well. I was literally just talking about appearances. Jo is PLAIN and TJ is not. Tj is hot.

    HRAensn March 30, 2024 4:43 am
    Why do people keep associating “plain” with “not toxic”? Weirdest shxt I keep seeing. It’s fine if you can’t fathom why people like TJ, but some of the conclusions yall come up with just ain’t it. LaNansha

    No I know why people like TJ, he’s hot and redeemable compared to other trash MLS I’ve seen. I thought they were referring plain to his whole existence like I’ve seen some people saying.

    A lot of people like the toxic thrill so I compared those two. Some people say Jo is plain because he isn’t toxic or give them the same thrill so I brought this up.

    HRAensn March 30, 2024 4:44 am
    THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!! I have been so confused why plain is associated with “not toxic” as well. I was literally just talking about appearances. Jo is PLAIN and TJ is not. Tj is hot. Moon12

    I wasn’t sure if you were saying his whole existence is plain or if appearance. But I just brought that up because it makes sense considering some people do call him plain for not giving the same thrill as TJ does.

    Jo isn’t plain looking either, I don’t get it, maybe just your preference so I respect that. Beauty is subjective after all.

    HRAensn March 30, 2024 5:00 am
    Right?! Literally started this because TJ is a snackkkkkkkkk and you’re telling me plain ol Jo is the main ML?! Moon12

    Oh right also check out my post pls and let me know what you think in the comments, just add your thoughts

Yechan's Mom December 10, 2023 6:43 am

its officially old man yaoi

Yechan's Mom July 24, 2021 6:54 am

a lot of people are hating on yuri and the way hes treating seonwoo
but tbh i think hes doing the right thing
and its not like hes acting out of character
if it was another person people would be like 'yuri is so badass' and shish
well actually he is ooc- if it was anyone else,
they would have been left on the street

but who would want to see their past teacher
their favorite teacher who used to be so lively
all of a sudden go into major depression because a guy gets married?
i wouldn't

and i think hes doing right by not going easy on him
yuri is making sure he doesnt spend his time getting drunk and not eating
i mean, hes married- to a woman
there is little to do about it- especially after being friend zoned so many times

at this point even i think seonwoo is a little too in his feelings
like im not saying that he cant be sad
especially after harboring a crush for so long
but they have been married for months- its been months and hes still like this
i really dont know what made gujeong so special
i feel like the reason to explain why hes so depressed is if he was A-

it makes no sense whatsoever for him to be so hung up over him for so long without even trying to move on- like hes married and hes still looking at him like there is a chance hed suddenly start liking him !

it really is concerning and irrational
im both sad and angry for and at him

ok who else thinks that a is gujeong- the back of their heads looked a little too similar

    carmeon July 24, 2021 7:41 am

    they think yuri is just being an unreasonable asshole. realistically, this would be correct but he knows the line between himself and seonwoo. this kind of character is really unique and what appeals to me yuri the most. im not sure if im analyzing right bc im biased

    Gnome July 24, 2021 8:19 am

    I slightly disagree. I agree jiri is an adult and he should've taken better care of himself, however, he also has a lot of problems on his hand, his one sided love is not the only cause of his depression/all his problems. And yuri is definitely not simply being "harsh" like you said.

    First off, yuri wasn't doing all this out of concerns or worries, he did this out of hatred and spite. Hatred because he thought jiri and his bro-in law have some kind of relationship. Spite because jiri is the type he hates (gloomy, push-over, always depressed), to put it simply he looks down on him.
    Also I don't know how yuri would help jiri when he can't mangae his anger. Yuri also harassed jiri before.

    Second, there's a difference between being harsh to help straighten someone than being an asshole. Say he does want to help, he has many ways to do that, not whatever he is doing right now. He could've tried to know about jiri better instead of being insensitive and pushing himself onto jiri.

    Third, I'm sure a is not gujeong because toward the end of this chapter jiri clearly said that was the end of their relationship. Also in the previous chapter gujeong mentioned college (more specific the movie club) was where they first met so no chances for a to be gujeong.

    Forth, gujeong was special because he was jiri's light. He can't find comfort from his family (I don't think I need to point out why, it is pretty much crystal clear). He also went to the army right after sophomore year, meaning he doesn't have a lot to hold on to, likes friends and other important stuff.

    Jiri was alone after his friendship with a ended. Then gujeong appeared, cheered him up, listened to his stories, stood beside him. He was pretty much his last straw.
    It's not like he's hoping gujeong would ever reciprocate his feeling (if he does I think he would at least confess his feeling), he just can't move on yet. Plus it doesn't seem like it has been that "long".

    If it has been any other characters it would be the same, why? Because he is an ASS, different characters doesn't change the fact what he did is shitty. I thought we all knew yuri ain't good. Man has been a dick since FYL, so yes he is not acting out of character at all.

Yechan's Mom July 24, 2021 6:36 am

i kinda dont want the mc to lose weight because he is so cute and handsome and wonderful but at the same time its his decision but i hope he doesnt want to lose weight because he thinks he is disgusting, he wants approval or wants to be treated nicely- he is so pure and wonderful and i hope he keeps that

Yechan's Mom July 23, 2021 12:47 am

i would rather dowon than some random creepy fuck from mr kwon and his shady creepy fucky business

Yechan's Mom July 22, 2021 6:10 pm

I honestly reaaaalllyyyy hate yeonji-

Yechan's Mom July 22, 2021 6:00 pm

I really hate when cinian does this
Like you act like a boss and tell cheng what he wants any time
But he automatically acts this way whenever he hears something
Like - just tell him
Instead of beating around the bush
And treating him like crap

    p e r s l o July 22, 2021 6:03 pm


    Ah-Juicy July 22, 2021 6:46 pm

    I don't think it's what the extras said. It's because Cheng lied on the phone that he "was at work". No one likes being lied to

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