My heart hurts for Cain but baby you were a "DOG". Your feelings for your owner in your previous life was not that kind of love and no matter what you can't sacrifice everything for someone who doesn't even behaviorally represent that person in the current lifetime. This shouldn't even be considered as a love triangle since every single character is better off alone and with someone else. Even if Jooin chooses Cain it will hurt Cain so I don't get why some people are anticipating that ending. Instead of seeing Jooin as a lovely character who deserves the better guy, you should see his level of arrogance and toxicity as well. He made Cain feel like shit so many times, kept implying that Yahwi is using his dead parents as an excuse to get him back, and gave Cain false hope while not completely cutting off Yahwi. Now I'm not saying Yahwi is good or anything, what I'm trying to say is that sometimes you should just let go when it's not working. The author keeps dragging the story to make more money but every single chapter is a boring repeat of the previous one. There is this frustrating loop, where Yahwi regrets and wants Jooin back, Jooin still loves him but doesn't want him and yet doesn't let go fully, Cain loves Jooin because he was his owner in his previous life, and Jooin likes Cain as a person but doesn't love him like he loves Yahwi and still keeps him around in the corner just in case! That's literally the summery of the last 50 chapters or more.