This boy needs therapy before relationships. What is wrong with you?!!!! You can't keep going back and forth. Make up your damn mind. I'm bored of seeing you talking to yourself in every chapter and reflect on your shit when it's already too late. If you want him go get him, but you shouldn't have needed that letter to wake up bro, Cain's love and sincerity was crystal clear from day one, you were the only blind one. And I think Cain should move on but who am I to get in the way of the author making money! You do you boo, continue your boring shitty story with stupid ass characters

I think his shoulder will give up on him in the next match. He will go crazy, lock himself up, and avoid seeing anyone. Don will try to get closer to him to comfort him, he will reject him like usual and let his temper mess things up but gradually he will open up to Don and maybe share his story and past which leads to how he got to this point, why he ended up being a bastard, how his jinx became a thing and why he is so obsessed with boxing. I think that's when we will start seeing some character development.
AND, he is definitely not drunk, son of a bitch wants to know what Don is up to lately and then fuck his brain out with some weird condom or something.

Ugh this hurts so bad. I think everyone failed Dohyeok. They raise you in a certain way and your environment decides mostly for what kind of person you will become. His grandmother was the most toxic. In fact, I think he would have been a much better person without her in his life. We always try to please our family or a specific person and depending on how they are, we might try all sorts of things, now some of us go the right way and some mess it up. Siwoo failed him too. If you didn't want him or didn't like him you should have remained an asshole instead of showing him kindness and care he never received properly from others. I guess the ending is realistic but I can't help wishing for a different one. If there is a future for them, I hope they both change and leave their toxicity behind
I've never seen such well drawn dicks and such intimate sex
Bro is folded like a pretzel(▰˘◡˘▰)