If you think clearly about this, King IL was preaching about the country being protected by a deity (who died eons ago) and would be saved by the deity's reincarnate, which happens to be his daughter.
I don't know about you, but if some high powered government official was preaching that our country was founded and is currently protected by "God", that HE will govern and save the people, and then reveal his daughter is the new savior, I don't want anything to do with that loon who plays favorites.
Thoughts and prayers to the crazy religious fanatic, because that apparently saves you.
What the Prince did was pretty rude as a royal, to just drop by unannounced and demand tea time with someone's wife.
He's really throwing his weight around with his title and expect others to accommodate him while smiling.
That pain you feel in your chest, good. That's the beginning of karma happening.
Prince Seig's multiple faces since hearing about forging documents to Finne's love confession to Lise.
And that final pucker face.