The emperor requests your presence at his palace, alone.
We'll take a trip in this carriage, away from the celebratory festivities held in his son's honor, alone in the middle of the night....
Yeah...dude, I'll see you in the morning since I'm not your on-call retainer.
"He's not going to kill me, right?"
LOL. Famous last words, as she walks into a dimly lit castle with one servant.
Ally? Alice? A-hole? is getting anxious and more impatient since Eve became skinny. She knows Lex is starting to slip away from her.
She was complacent when Eve was fat because Lex never showed interest in his short & obese fiancé. She believed that Lex would marry her so there was no need to worry. Now she doesn't know what to do and her actions reflect that.
But to expect the engaged prince to publicly show favor to someone that is not his fiancé is stupid. Even bragging about her future higher status.
Looks like it's going to a symbolisms between the dance and the champagne flutes.
The prince's peacock and the dancer's head-feathers.