I was listening to my playlist of Japanese songs I liked (including some anime openings). It was a coincidence, but the song Fuyunohanashi from the anime Given played around the same time I was reading chapter 77 and wow I could not stop crying. I haven't finished watching Given but I really liked the song, unfortunately I don't know the meaning behind the song yet. But for some reason the combination of the emotion from Mafuyu's voice and the chapter itself really made me feel things on a whole other level (though I know the context behind the song and the manhwa are probably unrelated). It's crazy because they're both fiction you know? But the emotions are completely human.
Thank you for reading this long ass topic <3
Wtf is going on. Idek if I can choose a side..I kinda feel bad for Chanwoo though. He's probably just not true to his feelings. But wow that other guy (he's so irrelevant I forgot his name lmao) what a douche.