Am I the only one who couldn't load pages 8 and 22?

I had the same problem ( ̄へ ̄)
So I went to another site to read it:
Also, it seems they published chapter 27 there (but without 21-26) Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Ugh~ now that I read chapter 27 I got mixed feelings of hating the Grim Reaper. Everyone had suffered greatly. That's why fighting never solve anything. It will only bring more hate and suffering. And the cycle of revenge will be forever on both sides #-.-)
Is our lippie having dissociative identity disorder?
Why? Did you not read the part just prior to that about how he had enough money to cover up her father's death?
It just look similar to people having dissocia, the other personality come out when they face with their past trauma.
i believe so.