i just wanna hug her so badly. even taeha isnt a raging green flag, we literally dont know his motives yet?? he has very much clearly known her since the flowershop but hes not exposing his identity. haesoo's just surrounded by awful people and i hope she finds an abundance of happiness and contentment from my bottom of my heart

boots with the purr created a topic of 19 Days

love how with yiyi and xixi its still puppy love while mo and he tian are straight up seggsual tension lmao

guys, astelle doesnt have another child besides theo. she went back to the place she and theo lived in hiding, at the bakery she worked, and set up a pharmacy near it. the older woman is the owner of that bakery and that was her child who tripped. she reminisced the time in chap 1 when soldiers came and explained to her that the woman working for her in the bakery is actually the past empress

he got with the girl cause she was interested in him, physically attractive, naive, has money, and most of all — reminds him of haesoo when they were both young and in love. he never planned to stay with the new girl, he just wanted haesoo to get jealous and start fcking him again; basically go back to how she was in the past, u know, before he forced her to do multiple jobs to lessen the debt HE made and take care of him while he does absofckinglutely nothing. basically he enjoys having a new girl worship him, a similar trait he sees in haesoo who loved him back then and "loves" him now to the point that she never once left him despite everything he did. he believes shes so in love w him that shed still be waiting once he gets bored of the other girl.

hes a scum who thinks w his d!!c and doesnt face the consequences of his actions. add the fact that he has an inferiority complex, hes basically a sadist who likes having women grovel at his feet. people like this experienced a rough childhood and specific circumstances leading to the future may very well cause them to be repulsive individuals, BUT that isnt an excuse. at the end of the day, he alone made his choices in life. a rough childhood does not excuse u from abusing the people around u. ur pain doesnt excuse u from causing others pain.

it started off so good idk y the plot had to be dragged on. a constant FL couldnt go against her abusive dad, ML couldnt stand up to FL's dad, and theo always vulnerable to danger. over 100 chapters and thats the entire plot

ravi obvs is a prince, his dad was one of the first kings of the kingdom like nearly 1000 years ago. history remembers his dad as a hero who sacrificed himself to save the kingdom from death caused by the devil. but the truth was a curse from a vampire was put onto the kingdom. and the king didnt sacrifice himself, he sacrified ravi by sealing the curse into him when he was a baby.

the latest in the raws is chap 22. in the chapters in between, the crown prince keeps getting in the way and ravi is jealous af. eventually he crashes out and kisses stella who kisses him back, like full on rolling on the grass makeout. we also find out that ravi is unable to leave his manor since there are magical seals that physically hurt him, specifically on the front gate and a back entrance(?). the final panel of chap 22 is a snowy area and another vampire with dark claws

also, lowkey hilarious how the prince is like half a head shorter than ravi lmao

ok based on the comments, we dont like her lmao gtfo woman

boots with the purr created a topic of Jinx

i bet redemption doesnt come until s3 or s4

boots with the purr created a topic of 19 Days

so it isnt confusing, yall need to remember that the story jumps between different timelines. one chapter we're getting plot on jian yi's dad the next chapter zheng xi is going to a job interview.

honestly my fav couple from suzumaru other than kanshaku dama

so daddy and son both like her.... dan doing all that sht so eve gets jealous and possessive of him; her 'observing kink' boosted his ego which made him to believe she liked him back. but because she never pounces on him he files a divorce as an ultimatum and lies that he has someone he loves when that someone is eve. then he finds out eve wasnt the one sending the women to his room and that she doesnt have an observing kink so for a moment he considers cancelling the divorce (probably assuming he still has a chance) but eve clarifies she never had feelings for him which discourages him(?) and im assuming azazel was the one who sent the women to dan's room so now dan's trying to win eve back after reflecting??

unfortunately haesoo, he might even add one more 0 to that â‚©1,000,000,000 is nearly $700,000