but the dad making a damn point there.. just saying

bout the possibility of him getting injured and if the injury is fatal he needs to lean on gio then continue to being a burden to gio... u like it or not, that is a big possibility. no matter how in love they are no partner like the feeling of relying on their partner eventhough the partner is okay with it. the dad just laying it out the "what if" situation. he might not think bout it much but this thought surely fleeting in his brain sometime... just bescause he saud he just need to do his job bit better and safely u still cant predict the future especially in his type of work. u can hate the dad all u want but he raised a good point

He made a good point if he were talking to someone else, but he’s talking to Felix. Felix doesn’t rely on anyone, that’s literally his problem. Gio has to beg him to lean on him. He’s literally working those extra jobs so he can use his own money to buy his gift. Of course it’s going to be hard on him to change his life after all the years spent under the (man who shall not be named) and not being able to live normal.

felix doesnt rely on anyone=> do u know this reason backing up my statement bout the dad making a point? lets put it this way, if one day felix got a serious accident, to the point he cant do any heavyweight job heck lets put a scenarion even worst than that, like he fckd up on of his limbs for example like feet/arms. even when he went to rehab it cant function normally and he still cant do heavyweight job. felix is the oldest kid, his mother might not needed him now but there will be a point where he needs to support her and his sis financially, whether it was paying loans or insurance u never know. but with how injured he was he cant do any job at the moment, Gio being the amazing boyfriend he is keep supporting him, caring for him and his family, etc. but Like u said, Felix is an INDEPENDENT Person. he might not voicing it but he will feel frustrated with his conditions and wanna sear lch for a job but with the way he is and how he ddidnt have degree, he only get a low pay job like being a cashier for example. everyday he will get even more frustrated, then uncounciously put a strained on his own relationship with gio cuz how he felt like he is leeching of him even when he doesnt want too. this is what i mean
like i said his dad raised a freaking great point. no matter how prideful and how independent u are, accident cant happen anytime, circle of life up and down can fckd u up.

dont worry, his long await goal is soooo satisfying not only that but in the next match its like he ascended one more level. its just soo good.. i really hope some one picked this manga up, maybe like be blues traslation team? since both be blues and ao ashii already up to date and it seems both is on break, maybe they can picked days to translated.. this manga is just so freaking good

ive been abandoning this story since that sweet kiss seungho and nakyum share cuz since i know the storm is coming... but now when i read the comment it seems seungho turned back into to the person he was at the beginning heck he might turned even worse than in the past.... welp... i reallly hope he will have a character development arc before he swept nakyum off his feet like the seme in down n' dirty manga... bye again.. i still wont read this not until i saw a change in the comment section

okay that girl is such a badass.. i would love her to be wolfgang "Queen" if shin still insisted... but i bet it wont happen that easily cuz marriage will also be used to strengthen the country isnt it? dame background is obviously a normal person.. cant really helped boosted the country.. oh well we will see then

the uke eventhough he is a pure naive person but he is openminded, he doesnt know shit bout his feeling to seme but he want to explore it, he doesnt gave shit to what ppl said, standing up to seme... it just soo refreshing..so far we see that it seems seme have big baggage and the uke will support him in the future
anybody know when the series will be picked up again? it seems like this manga has been on hiatus since november