I never invested this hardcore towards sports manga.. not even haikyuu... be blues is just perfect... we literally saw the journey of the MC, from genius to tragedy then painful hardwork then rejection and finally the road to the his original genius form... is soo freakinh satisfying... its like seeing ur baby can finally standing proud and stop chasing his oldself

i read the novel and i cant even finished it eventhough the novel translation is already completed cuz no character in this story deserved any support. the Fl is stupid masochist bitch, egoist, ignorant and doesnt care bout anyone else but her also short sight, the creepy ass past ML is a psychotic abusive rapist, while the new ML is a gentle loving lover that will raped his lover when the lover crossed him (the new ML anger is understandable towards FL what i hate is he automatically change into a rapist eventhough after he snapped out of it he apologize but still irked me), the only antagonist that makes me sad for them and wished them a good life (eventhough i shouldnt) is Lilei psychotic older brother. Lifeng become psychotic cuz how his environment treat him, shitty father, shitty family and staff, he just wanna be loved by his father but the dick killed his mother and beat lifeng up for playing with baby lilei just cuz baby lilei got cold... overall fckd up... Lilei is a pitiful lover, the FL hides tons the fact that she gave birth to lilei son (eventhough he was "dead" after that) but she told lilei that it was pei zeihan son, even after she came back to lilei side and saying she chooose lilei she keep that secret while being wishy washy bout pei zeihan. lilei doing everythung his granpa told just for the assurance of getting married with xia ling is possible BUT Xia ling is such an ignorant bitch keep going back to pei zaeihan, lying to lilei just cuz she is a bit jealous by saying she cheating on him with pei, flaunt their relationship in front of lilei while visiting the baby grave, even when pei zeihan taunt lilei about pei baby (which pei knpw that the baby is lilei son) Xia ling just stare at him thinking tha lilei subordinate trying to cheer him up over his jealousy isnt approariate infront of her "deceased" son, how the fck can he be sad when he doesnt know about his own child, the only thing in his mind is he know the Fl is wishy washy chick that still stick on pei zeihan and keep coming back to him and u want him to act normal?. fck she pissed me soo much.. she doesnt change at all with her past personality, she only think bout herself and her situation while saying she wanna be independent..
the only good thing about this story is the pets
Yoi guys are sick in the head fr..... are your bottomline is based on looks? Thats such a superficial shit.. yall will simp anyone who looked hot nomatter how shitty their brain and personality are
calm down it’s just a yaoi, people don’t just read for the plot lol though that is a bonus