Szara July 29, 2017 4:44 pm

I swore i read this story recently but now ive lost it. Help!
Ok so the seme and uke are childhood friends. The seme confessed to the uke back in school and got friendzoned. Years later they met again at the class reunion. Uke needed a place to stay bcuz his girlfriend kicked him out. Seme says he was in an accident and lost his memory. Uke lied and said they used to date, so seme should help him out and let him stay at his apartment for a while. Seme asked for proof they were dating, so uke kissed him. And that was the latest chapter i read.

Szara February 26, 2017 4:04 pm

Seme is a cello player with long hair, wears a bandage around his eyes, which were damaged in an accident. Uke is his caretaker and childhood friend, whom he is in love with, but doesn't reveal his identity.

Its a recent yaoi, i dont know why i lost track of it :/

Szara February 24, 2017 5:09 pm

Is anybody kind of impressed when people actually remember japanese titles of manga? Especially the really long titles--and they can spell it too? Because I sure as hell can't. My favorite is 'Twittering Birds Never Fly' (I remember all the English titles), but I sure as hell can't spell it in japanese. I only recognize the title if I see it (not all, tho).

    maya February 24, 2017 5:21 pm

    Oh , same. But I do remember the titles of the ones i really like though. Like twittering birds which is, saezuru tori wa habatakanai. :"D they're worth a space in my memory lol

    LessThanThree February 24, 2017 5:31 pm

    I can usually remember all of Higurashi in Japanese.

    ultraviolet February 24, 2017 6:18 pm

    I'm always impressed by people with good at memorizing names. Sometimes I even forget my friends names.

    Fantomeducouloir February 24, 2017 6:25 pm

    I tend to forget the names in yaoi (both the character's and the series)... But I have no problem with every other genre (except some shoujo)
    irl I tend to forget even my own name... and also people's faces although I have no trouble remembering every single fuckin page of One Piece. Whyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!?! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    cleo February 24, 2017 8:19 pm

    but it's so easy : Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai

    Honestly I don't remember much japanese titles, except for this one ^__^

Szara February 8, 2017 8:06 pm

My fellow Mangago’ers, I have just found the contender for Most-Insensitive-Comment-On-Mangago----

“Sodomy (without consent) is only good to me when the sodomizer (the one who sodomizes without consent) enters a lifelong union with the victim who was being sodomized unwilling (without consent)”

^What on God’s green earth is this? So if one is sodomized (without consent) by a vile, decrepit old male human being, one should be obligated to marry him? My word, I must vent my frustrations on the front page of Mangago, my sincerest apologies! So, fellow homosexual-intercourse-comic-fans, what other not-so-intelligent comments have you thus witnessed on this fine day?

    Szara February 8, 2017 8:06 pm

    I was told that my last comment was insulting, so i fixed it

    Arianna February 8, 2017 9:19 pm

    for those who got lost immediately at the word sodomy:

    "RAPE is only good to me when the RAPIST enters a lifelong union with the victim".

    Yes indeed this is complete and utter bullshit and the author of this comment should get hanged.

    Szara February 8, 2017 9:25 pm
    for those who got lost immediately at the word sodomy:"RAPE is only good to me when the RAPIST enters a lifelong union with the victim".Yes indeed this is complete and utter bullshit and the author of this comm... Arianna

    Oh heh, Im not wishing anyone to get hanged, but that comment made me really angry and i felt like venting about it.

    Arianna February 8, 2017 9:50 pm
    Oh heh, Im not wishing anyone to get hanged, but that comment made me really angry and i felt like venting about it. Szara

    same, i did write it, but not really wanting them to get hanged. maybe beaten up instead. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Szara February 8, 2017 9:54 pm
    same, i did write it, but not really wanting them to get hanged. maybe beaten up instead. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Arianna

    Maybe banned from yaoiland forever would be a more fitting punishment. Between getting beaten up (1 time) and never reading yaoi again, maybe I would rather take the beating... as long as there's no broken bones or me being disfigured :U

    Arianna February 8, 2017 10:14 pm
    Maybe banned from yaoiland forever would be a more fitting punishment. Between getting beaten up (1 time) and never reading yaoi again, maybe I would rather take the beating... as long as there's no broken bone... Szara


    sona February 8, 2017 10:27 pm

    well what do you expect, in most yaoi, rape doesnt look like an rape at all, how do I put this, the author made the rapist so good looking and the one who get raped feeling so good and doesnt actually put up a fight when they get raped so you cant blame those people for having such opinion. yaoi was fictional you see, it was made for women and their fantasy. it often glamorized. well I never read yaoi with a realistic rape and deal with the afteraffect, so I dont really know. and everyone has difference taste you know, just bcause someone like some fucked up twisted story doesnt mean they are not so intelligent.

    Szara February 8, 2017 10:41 pm

    From Sona: "These rapists are so good looking... you can't blame these people for having such opinion..."
    Translation: dem thirsty fujoshi be dumb

    Arianna February 9, 2017 12:55 am
    well what do you expect, in most yaoi, rape doesnt look like an rape at all, how do I put this, the author made the rapist so good looking and the one who get raped feeling so good and doesnt actually put up a ... @sona

    we're not saying you can't enjoy it. we're just saying you have to know that even if they're voted to be the most handsome fucking man in the planet, if they forcefully do intercourse with someone, it's rape and it's wrong. you also happen to realize even if they feel good doesn't mean they WANT to feel good right? feeling good during sex is obvious, just the way human bodies are built, can't really avoid that. what matters is if you wanted it or not.

    the tea someone made might be the best fucking tea on the planet, but if someone doesn't want to drink it, are you gonna force it down their fucking throats? i swear to god yall are idiots without any critical thinking OR reading skills.

    Anonymous February 9, 2017 1:41 am

    I didnt read all of these comments. The problem I have here is the word Sodomy being used incorrectly. Sodomy is the act of anal or oral sex. Penetration without consent is Rape. Not really interchangeable words.

    Szara February 9, 2017 5:14 am
    I didnt read all of these comments. The problem I have here is the word Sodomy being used incorrectly. Sodomy is the act of anal or oral sex. Penetration without consent is Rape. Not really interchangeable wor... @Anonymous

    I know it's called rape. Someone said my original post sounded too offensive, so I re-worded everything to make it sound all nice, in a satirical way.

Szara February 8, 2017 6:52 pm

I just found the contender for Most-Stupidass-Comment-On-Mangago----

"Rape is only good (to me) when the one who rapes ends up with the one raped."
^^^What the fuck? So what if you're raped by some nasty old geezer, you should end up with him? ...Sorry, I just had to vent on the front page... so uh, what other dumbass comments have you guys seen?

    Baka~Sama February 8, 2017 6:59 pm

    The ones about how Killing Stalking is fucked up. Like what did they Think? ? The title is KILLING STALKING how can it be normal. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Anonymous February 8, 2017 7:07 pm

    lol i think you didn't get it right.
    that person probably can only read yaoi with rape if it's like that - when it ends up with love and not if the rape is represented as real rape. many readers are like that, probably the "yaoi rape" doesn't affect them emotionally like the "real" rape. it's fiction and people here need to accept that some people are ok with that kind of plot.

    and if that person meant in real life that's just fucked up

    i'm sometimes annoyed when i see really mean comments toward users or characters just because they didn't act like the reader in question wanted. (and it's usually posted by girls around the age of 12 xD)

    Anonymous February 8, 2017 7:10 pm

    and what you did right now is kinda mean
    that person is entitled to their own opinion and you shouldn't insult them

    Szara February 8, 2017 7:14 pm
    and what you did right now is kinda mean that person is entitled to their own opinion and you shouldn't insult them @Anonymous

    I'm entitled to the opinion that their opinion is dumb.

    Anonymous February 8, 2017 7:15 pm
    The ones about how Killing Stalking is fucked up. Like what did they Think? ? The title is KILLING STALKING how can it be normal. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Baka~Sama

    lmao you're contradicting yourself i don't really understand your point... from any point of view killing stalking IS fucked up that's a fact,, it doesn't necessarily means it's bad, just that it's fucked up.

    Anonymous February 8, 2017 7:18 pm
    I'm entitled to the opinion that their opinion is dumb. Szara

    the way you have written it is insulting. that's the problem

    Baka~Sama February 8, 2017 7:23 pm

    Like nah i dont mean theyre dumb and all but for me its Just annoying how they go all about how u CANT ship them and how it Destroyed them. I mean after first 3-2 chapters you could stop. I dont question theyre age like i mean im still 13 after all :') but u can still be smart enough to know by the title. ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Baka~Sama February 8, 2017 7:26 pm
    lmao you're contradicting yourself i don't really understand your point... from any point of view killing stalking IS fucked up that's a fact,, it doesn't necessarily means it's bad, just that it's fucked up. @Anonymous

    I mean cant they know by the title and art style. Plus they Think they can tell what you must Think of the manhwa. Its annoying. Oh and could Just stop after first 2 chapters. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Rico February 8, 2017 7:32 pm
    I mean cant they know by the title and art style. Plus they Think they can tell what you must Think of the manhwa. Its annoying. Oh and could Just stop after first 2 chapters. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Baka~Sama

    I agree you .
    This manga made me freaked out ....Sucks! ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    KyoZaNa✿ February 8, 2017 8:00 pm

    I don't know whose comment you talked about.. But
    Why do you bring other's comment to revile on front page? People can have various their own opinions, they don't have to agree in same thing. Just think about someone bring your comment to do like this too.. how are you gonna feel?

    Szara February 8, 2017 8:15 pm
    I don't know whose comment you talked about.. ButWhy do you bring other's comment to revile on front page? People can have various their own opinions, they don't have to agree in same thing. Just think about s... KyoZaNa✿

    It was not one of those comments at the bottom, but the top ones with only the (agree) next to it, but without a (disagree) or (reply) option. I dont really care if people want to dig up my comments to repost on the front page - I stand by everything I have posted. They are free to revile it, as I am free to defend it. People talk about their personal problems on the front page, fangirl about Yuri on Ice & BTS, bitch about Trump on the front page, so whatever. At least my comment is related to Mangago.

    Arianna February 8, 2017 9:37 pm

    i already replied to your later post, but seriously i think you guys are the one with a problem. rape shouldn't be good. ever. idc if it's "just somebody's opinion" or just "yaoi-fied rape". if they think rape is good even if the rapist and victim end up together, they're fucking retards. they could be "i think that rape is bad, but, like, if they both happy, we can forgive the rapist maybe." but no, they said that rape was OK. like it's totally fine to rape someone then get together with them. it's literally saying that rape is ok as long you get together with the person like you didn't just fucking rape them. these types of people deserve to get called out. if you don't call them out, nothing can be or will get done about this god damn cancer of a mindset.

    (btw, enjoying it and condoning are totally different things. i enjoy reading it, but i sure as hell know it's wrong and would never want it to happen in real life. just getting it out there in case it somehow randomly pops up like it usually does.)

    Anonymous February 8, 2017 11:36 pm
    I mean cant they know by the title and art style. Plus they Think they can tell what you must Think of the manhwa. Its annoying. Oh and could Just stop after first 2 chapters. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Baka~Sama

    last anon here
    tbh i didn't read it until the last chapters (i tried but i'm too sensitive to read this kind of things haha) and yea true i don't see the point of reading it if you don't like it!! i don't judge ppl who read it, i mean it's probably a very good quality manhwa in terms of plot/art/whatever u want (i added the probably since i didn't read it entirely)... oh but i do judge ppl who romanticize their relationship :0

    Baka~Sama February 9, 2017 7:55 pm
    last anon heretbh i didn't read it until the last chapters (i tried but i'm too sensitive to read this kind of things haha) and yea true i don't see the point of reading it if you don't like it!! i don't judge ... @Anonymous

    But its fiction and the min thing i like about it is how the both characters are psycho in some way but still in this ill relationship is something more than the issues of characters. Like you know its wrong and dont want it to happen in real life but you like to See how the characters will end up. Maybe they Cure themselves? Maybe that Sangwoo will be a Yandere? Idk thats why i like the story and why i romanticize the relationship cause u never know.

Szara January 27, 2017 3:57 pm

Wow, okay. So apparently someone went through my profile and downvoted every single question i ever posted (i did not have -1 on everything until recently). Some people, man.

Szara January 9, 2017 9:42 pm

Hi im looking for a manga. The seme is raised by a fox god. The god gave him money made by leaves to pay for his school fees, but they turned back. In order to get money, the fox was going to have sex with a snake god, but the seme stopped him. In the end, they have a LOT of children. And I remember the art was pretty bad, but the story is kinda cute.

Szara December 22, 2016 8:44 am

Why do so many korean manhwas have giant white spaces in between panels? Like, I have to scroll down 2 pages to see the next scene.

    lime December 22, 2016 8:57 am

    because they're webtoon and meant to be viewed on mobile, they have large spaces for suspense or to set mood or have a pause in the narrative

    Szara December 22, 2016 9:34 am
    because they're webtoon and meant to be viewed on mobile, they have large spaces for suspense or to set mood or have a pause in the narrative lime

    I find that the only mood building within me is a mild annoyance. It seems in every chapter of Royal Servant, there's 15 blank pages.

    heavs December 22, 2016 9:42 am

    Webtoon is basically to be viewed best in vertical scrolling mode, not in a basic manga reading horizontally. When seeing in the scrolling mode, you don't want to accidentally read the 'next page' while reading a certain part. The mood you find is basically because what supposed to be read vertically becoming read horizontally. You will find a mild annoyance to if it's vice versa. Try to read it in 'multi pages' view so maybe the annoyance won't be there.

Szara December 10, 2016 8:14 am

Whenever there is a love triangle in yaoi, 99% of the time, the uke ends up with the playboy/jerk/asshole. Are there any manga's where the uke ends up with the sweet guy who's always been there for him?

Szara December 7, 2016 3:44 am

I'm looking for a BL manga... the main character literally has a "heart" following him. It belongs to a guy whom he helped - he returned his wallet/ID or something, and the guy falls in love with him. The guy shows up later asking for his heart back... which gets stuck in a tree at one point I think. The MC later finds he also has a heart-shaped hole in his chest.

Its a cute story and i want to read it again (=・ω・=)

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