He experienced like, 3-4 lifetimes of unrequited love? I'd be so tired of that shit. Like, stay the fuck away from Isao. He just brings heartbreak. Don't go chasing after men who can't love you back. This story makes me so frustrated.

I think that the renaissance (?) life turned out okay for the both of them tho.
I like to interpret it as "they are soulmate but it's just that Isao kept on lusting after the wrong guy" lol

Why would a popular porn star film bestiality? It would totally ruin his sex appeal (to 99.99% of people). If I saw a guy I liked fucking chickens, I would NO LONGER find him attractive. AT ALL. It's not like he's some nameless newbie desperate for work. Aside from being gross, this manga makes no sense.

Someone said it! Yeah, I was just thinking about how being a pornstar doesn't mean you have to comply to everyone's fetishes. I mean, with their logic, Yuuki should fuck a dead body or cut off his own limbs because "some people have that sort of fetish."
Yuuki is a grown man. I'd wish he'd realize he doesn't have to do shit like that just because like .05% of his viewers are into that crap

I didn't feel anything reading this manga. Does it mean I'm dead inside? Lol. I just didn't think the author flesh out the characters well enough. Like, there wasn't sufficient buildup leading to the climax. Did hirono+yuuma love each other? I couldn't really tell,except it was kind of implied in the letter. If the author took more time writing about their relationship, it would have made more of an emotional impact when the other dude got pregnant and hirono left. This story feels too rushed with only 3 chapters.

Wow, this was one of the worst stories I've ever read. The uke literally has NO personality. He never says anything meaningful, or does anything. He's just a mannequin that people dress up and carry around. He's practically just a sex doll.
Edit: To clarify what i mean when I say, ONE OF THE WORST --- I mean that this story has one of the WORST CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT & POORLY WRITTEN CHARACTERS.

I could have a list of 1000 worst yaoi. Being ONE of the worst means it could rank anywhere from first to LAST. Being ONE of the worst could even mean LEAST HORRIBLE. Doesn't change the fact that it was HORRIBLY WRITTEN. Just because there are things that are worse, doesn't make this manga any better.
Following YOUR LOGIC, why are you complaining about my comment when rapists and murderers exists in the world? Why don't you go complain about rapists and murderers instead of bitching about internet comments? By YOUR LOGIC, you are only allowed to complain about things if they're literally THE WORST?
Just because something is NOT AS BAD, doesn't mean it isn't shit, or isn't worth complaining about. (I had to capitalize key words because you are dense).

First of all no.One of the worst most of the time means top 5 or 10 your comment is saying "ONE OF THE WORST" so i'm guessing you mean one of the worst you've ever read and you can dislike this manga I was just stating my opinion that I did not see this as one of the worst and that I have read darker shit and u freaked out you know how you could have responded "personally didn't like it couldn't relate to the lead so therefore was not invested" and it would've been water under the bridge and I was saying I don't like how yaoi at times takes rape so lightly and last time I checked I don't know you so there is no way you have any idea what I do in my free time also I can do whatever I want as long as its not hurting any one and speaking your mind doesn't.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

When I say "Worst" or "Horrible" there are 3 possible things things I'm thinking of:
1) Dumb plot (example: rape victim falls in love with rapist)
2) Asshole Characters
3) Poorly written characters (no personality, inconsistent actions, no conceivable motive).
I've read over 1000+ yaoi. There are the ones that fall under Category 1 or 2 - Sakura Gari, Undergrand Hotel, Caste Heaven. Those are the ones I consider "one of the worst" because of their dumb rape-y plots.
This particular manga falls under Category 3 - "one of the worst" in terms of POORLY WRITTEN character. Note that this is different from DETESTABLE character, which is category 2.
The uke in this manga is POORLY written - he absolutely has NO personality. People literally dress him up and carry him around like some mannequin. He's like a fucking statue. Out of the 1000+ manga I've read, this story is indeed "one of the worst" in terms of BADLY WRITTEN CHARACTERS. I do NOT mean that it has the most detestable characters or detestable plot, but it contains bad writing.
WORST can mean many things. Take the Oscars awards for instance - there is an award for BEST actor, BEST director, BEST cinematography, BEST costume design, BEST writing, BEST original song, etc. They have separate awards for every category.
In this case, I mean this manga is one of the worst as in WORST CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.

There is no set criteria for how long your BEST or WORST list could be. Is it top 5%, top 10%, or top 20%?
When you've only read a total of 5 manga, your worst would be 1 or 2.
When you've only read 100 manga, your worst could be 5 to 10.
When you've only read 1000 manga, your worst could by 50 to 100.
When you've read millions of manga, your worst could be in the thousands.
Anyway, it's all relative, and I was speaking in hypotheticals. It does not change the fact that thing manga does indeed contain one of the most poorly written characters. This does NOT mean "most detestable character," but it means he is poorly developed and fleshed out.

hate the main character that's fine but did you say in a list of a thousand,hundred,or even fifty no u said "one of the worst" so of course anyone would think that this manga stands out among others as being shitty and Who knows but if i was talking to someone in class and I said this is one of the hardest lessons we've gone through i would mean this one is at the top or pretty close to the hardest lessons i have gone through and i would hope my friend wouldn't want me to list of all the lessons we have had and put them in a top 20s list on which were the most struggling because i said "one of the worst" so i was bumping the lesson pretty fucking high

Ive read 1000+ manga, and this one is one of the WORST in terms of CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. And yes, it does STAND OUT in terms of MOST USELESS UKE. The character has absolutely ZERO personality. He NEVER says or does anything meaningful. Are you going to dispute that? Or are you just cherry-picking things I've said just for the sake of arguing with me?

Oh geez, why were you so bitchy about this hahah. I guess, sometimes people are too bored with their life. Chill, it's only a manga.
Szara - I know, ignoring this little war of the worst mangas (this sounds so ridiculous, oh man XD) I can agree. I don't like the attitude of uke. He even slept with another man and of course it's seme's fault. This time....not really, but uke is cute, so everybody can forgive him. Meh. And I know it's a comedy, so it's lightly written, but still for me - MEH

Are you talking about this one?:
yo dis story is fucking weird