The russian sites already have translations up to chapter 37... yet we are limited to official English releases only. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I don't understand why we can't upload fan translations here.
1) This entire site is illegal.
2) -most- people here weren't going to buy the official translation anyway.
3) people who want to support the author will do so anyway regardless of pirate sites.

I think:
1/ There are no official Russian translations, so whether or not there are Russian translations ahead official English translations doesn't matter. It won't disincentivize people from buying official English translations (except Russian English speakers).
Additionally, just because Russian sites do it doesn't mean everyone can and should do it, too.
2/ Your argument doesn't take into account the people who buy official translations because they cannot wait for official translations to be distributed. These people won't buy official translations if unofficial translations are out before official ones. We don't have enough info on the proportion of this category of readers to the category of readers who buy simply because they want to support the author. It might be the case that the former is not of the majority, and so posting fan translations on this website doesn't affect profits at all. Since we don't have statistics on this, and we will never do, perhaps we shouldn't take chance with it. The point unofficial translations opposers is making here, thus, is that we shouldn't risk making what we are doing even worse. You can think of it as, "stealing little is bad, but not as bad as stealing everything."
For example, think of the original uploader who has been uploading fan translation. Would she continue to buy official translations, knowing that unofficial translations have already been uploaded? Keep in mind that many uploaders here also upload for likes and followers on Instagram, so with fan translations circulating, there's no point in purchasing and uploading official translations anymore. (i'm not saying painter of the night uploader uploads for attention).
Disclaimer: I have yet to take sides on this, but I do see other people making argument here that does not directly counter the complaints about unofficial translations. I'm fine with waiting one or two more weeks for the official translations. I'm already leeching off others anyway.
With this let us just put this matter to rest.

This site has constantly gotten into trouble for uploading fantranslations which were ahead of the official ones. The authors get mad when they find out about official translations being uploaded illegally but they usually don't do much. However, when they find out about fantraslations being ahead of the official ones it gets dangerous for the site, simply because all the people who buy the chapters to read it first have no reason to do it anymore.
Besides, fantranslaters who work on officially licensed webtoons usually don't do it for long. PotN might go on for another year and to actually justify making your own translations you have to be ahead of the official release, otherwise it's pointless. That's a harsh schedule for someone who's doing it for free hence why most people give up after a while. And then you're left with waiting for weeks for the official translation to catch up.

The ending was so unsatisfying. The uke never showed remorse for bullying him in the past, nor for scamming his money. They just had angry hate-sex and that was it? I didn't get the feeling that they really loved each other. It was more of an inexplicable attraction and past grudge that they can't seem to get over.
... the art is nice, tho. Pretty much the only good thing about this story.

I felt Jihyun's character had a lot more depth and was better written than Kyujin.
Don't get me wrong-- What Jihyun did was awful and inexcusable. Their relationship was toxic and I didn't want him to end up with Chiwoo or anything, but I just felt that his feelings for Chiwoo were stronger.
Kyujin's love felt a bit... shallow? Like, I don't understand why he liked Chiwoo SO much. They just talked a few times, and suddenly he became super clingy for no real reason.
Kyujin at least had a history with Chiwoo, who was his only true friend. He knew Chiwoo for a long time before he decided he was in love with him.

Yanno what? I think i felt the same way in the beginning with Kyujin but I realized that I'm similar to Kyujin- Kyujin has the sense of wanting to help people and not wanting to leave people by themselves and I'm kinda the same way, I REALLY HATE SEEING PEOPLE ISOLATED FROM THE GROUP so I'm naturally drawn to people who are by themselves or gloomy (it's a lil different because it's more like i'm drawn to secluded weirdos, like meself, cause THEY"RE JUST SO FRIGGIN INTERESTING!!)
BUT BACK TO MY POINT!!! I think Kyujin just subconsciously turned his natural friendliness and desire to help someone into genuine romantic feelings. He prolly in the beginning wanted to be friends with Chiwoo but then (like anyone would do) just started paying attention to the little things that he liked about Chiwoo's character and began to love those character traits IMMENSELY. So this story is basically morphing this pair into the common...
...type of scenario. So I guess that could explain why Kyujin doesn't really have as much depth because he was probably meant to be a person with little to no depth in order to be the Yin to Chiwoo's badass Yang, however who knows Kyujin could change into something worse giving his similar traits to Jihyun later on in the story, things could change- not saying that they will- just being openminded here . Might not be what you were hoping for but still a decent story nonetheless, right? | ᐕ)⁾⁾??

Ugh I’m so glad you said it he’s but like this clingy young but somehow looks old man-child I get that’s he’s supposed to be the adorable younger seme type but he’s too clingy for my taste I wish a third character (really really hot one) would show up for chiwoo when he’s ready for love again and this manga would be the first in history to have like a mob character get with the main, wouldn’t that be awesome lol

Ugh I’m so glad you said it he’s like this clingy young but somehow looks old man-child I get that’s he’s supposed to be the adorable younger seme type but he’s too clingy for my taste I wish a third character (really really hot one) would show up for chiwoo when he’s ready for love again and this manga would be the first in history to have like a mob character get with the main, wouldn’t that be awesome lol

even when you're dressed like a girl, you cant hide the yaoi hands
(theyre not necessarily big, just fucked up looking)
Not that I’m complaining, but how is Seungho so BUFF? It’s not like he visits the gym or does manual labor...
The proof is in the orgy
Lol yes
He's been carrying men around his waist, while fucking them in a standing position
This is HARDCRE physical work-out XD