Easy, 10/10 like its well written (for me) its so good that it messed up my mind, the pacing is great with good storytelling and awesome art style. At this point idk how did the author came up with this good story, makes me wanna question if she/he encountered this situation before(I do hope not) but curious as to how did they invented this. Tbh I really like this genre alot, with psychological theme which is much scarier and most people underestimate multiple times. The story played us readers, under the palm's of our dear author, even now I can't wait to read the next chapter. I trust our dear author to give this a hella roller-coaster ending with a hint of spice and mind wrecking story.
P.s I don't really support this relationship irl, its hella scary but with the work of fiction, it ain't bad to like this story.