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Visual Novel April 13, 2021 3:15 am

Wow thank you 10 years of learning arabic, finally paying off

    uwukashootmeplease April 13, 2021 3:54 am

    Stay winning op

    Star April 13, 2021 3:57 am

    I learnt Arabic for 5 years BUT I CANT READ THIS FONT HELPD SJSBSSKHDH

    eliphaslevi April 13, 2021 6:29 am
    I learnt Arabic for 5 years BUT I CANT READ THIS FONT HELPD SJSBSSKHDH Star

    i open the website using laptop and use my phone to google picture translate it, it works pretty well

Visual Novel March 19, 2021 1:28 am

yall are too much

Visual Novel's questions ( All 1 )

Visual Novel July 6, 2021 3:28 pm

What do you guys want to be in the future/ or what is your career rn?

    Lim Kyungsoo July 6, 2021 3:31 pm

    Professional fapper

    eclipse July 6, 2021 3:31 pm

    hmm interesting question but idk what to do in the future so I'll probably be dead before i can choose a career

    ✨thatyaoishipper✨ July 6, 2021 3:32 pm

    I want to be an artist,
    But my parents force me to be a lawyer, and I dropped the course in first year and run away, so now i became a broke art students with tons of debt, trying to survive this shi*hole

    Gojo's slut July 6, 2021 3:33 pm

    I want to die

    ✨thatyaoishipper✨ July 6, 2021 3:34 pm
    I want to be an artist, But my parents force me to be a lawyer, and I dropped the course in first year and run away, so now i became a broke art students with tons of debt, trying to survive this shi*hole ✨thatyaoishipper✨

    I also want to die if I can ༼;´༎ ༎༽

    Lim Kyungsoo July 6, 2021 3:34 pm
    I want to be an artist, But my parents force me to be a lawyer, and I dropped the course in first year and run away, so now i became a broke art students with tons of debt, trying to survive this shi*hole ✨thatyaoishipper✨

    Same situation but I never ran away, I'm quite happy now actually. I draw, so I can be both an artist and lawyer.

    ladenza July 6, 2021 3:38 pm

    I wanted to be a teacher or an editor but now I’m not so sure anymore lol

    Gojo's slut July 6, 2021 3:39 pm
    Same situation but I never ran away, I'm quite happy now actually. I draw, so I can be both an artist and lawyer. Lim Kyungsoo

    How does it feel being gods fav like how tf do yall be so good and know what to do with ur life i cant even decide what to eat

    Relentless ass July 6, 2021 3:39 pm

    I genuinely don't know. My sister had no aspirations so she's just following the money. My brother is already making money from commissions. And I- well I don't know I'm still young I'm pretty sure along the way I'll find something I like

    Lim Kyungsoo July 6, 2021 3:43 pm
    How does it feel being gods fav like how tf do yall be so good and know what to do with ur life i cant even decide what to eat Gojo's slut

    It's not like anyone's forced to do only one thing. Do something that would benefit you and do something else that you enjoy, bonus if it's both. Just don't force yourself into something you cannot physically or mentally handle. I hope you have a happy life ahead of you

    ✨thatyaoishipper✨ July 6, 2021 3:44 pm
    How does it feel being gods fav like how tf do yall be so good and know what to do with ur life i cant even decide what to eat Gojo's slut

    Prolly cause i got lock up for all my lives and just wanted to go out to see the world, it's a form of rebellion for me

    sehowontrash July 6, 2021 3:45 pm

    Currently, I'm a literal neet. Should've graduated if only i hadn't changed course, the shitty pandemic greatly affected me and i cant focus on studying in this kind of situation. Ugh. Maybe I'll just follow my sisters to the country they live in and study for 2 yrs there while on parttime. The philippines doesn't give opportunities for undergraduates to have parttime and I'm drowning on anxiety bc most ppl my age have already graduated and I'm still a neet bc fuck philippines.

    koomkem July 6, 2021 3:47 pm

    theatre singer, or dermatologist. i’ll probably still have art as a side job tho

Visual Novel's favorite ( All 2 )

Novel, manga/hwa/hua covers 05-16 22:58
Photo from ☚.🍥.☛ That's Something 09-22 19:44

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Stan SNSD, unless you don't know talent.

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