i actually got addicted at an anime and ended up staying up those two nights because i wanted to finish it so much that i couldn't sleep. when i finnaly finished it i sleep all day ( ̄∇ ̄") 1 reply
Answer 1: ''Give me 5 minutes I'm comming!!!''
That's what what I would most likely say because I live close to a supermarket, I would leave all the things and run home to get my babies(the yaoi mangas).ヾ(☆▽☆)
Answer 2: Most of the time I have a smug grin on my face when I'm reading but I do make weird faces and talk to my phone and comput...... reply
I would really like to tell my family about it but I don't even know were to start like do you you go to your mom and say ''Hey mom, I love to read yaoi.'' if I said that to my mom she would be like ''what the hell is yaoi?'' and then I would say ''it's a boy having a relationship with another boy in other words homosexuality'' and after I would m...... 2 reply
OF COURSE I'M JEALOUS!!! Every time i see them get the perfect boyfriend and don't give them proper value I get so annoyed that I just want to slap them so that they understand that they have every thing they need right in front of them, when that happens i just wanna take their place and give their boyfriend all the love they need (of course that ...... reply