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nyankat June 23, 2021 9:55 pm

When the queen said that for good or bad ...that she is the best at pretending like she isn't hurt
I felt that too much. I understand his side but doesn't make it any easier for his wife that feels despised.

nyankat June 7, 2021 12:52 pm

Let's say he ddnt consider yona because he wants her to live free. He had his reasons but I can't figure why he ddnt take the throne without killing the previous king. He could've just strived to marry yona and become king that way but he genuinely wanted to hill his best friends dad.
Also sent people to capture or kill her.
Now to want for her to be free but locked up because she knows a secret... it makes no sense

    bishounensupremacy June 7, 2021 1:19 pm

    king il clearly wouldn't let her marry him that was pretty obvious from the start. even if a miracle happened and he did it the kingdom would be doomed way before he could rise to the throne. he can't let her out right now cause he can't risk having the news of his illness spread, that would have serious consequences for the kingdom. he probably doesn't want her to be stuck in the castle when he's dead though

    nilsuki June 8, 2021 8:23 am

    1) those were Kei Soks direct orders, you can blame Soo Won for staying silent but you cant say that he made those orders in the first place.

    2) Yall are so fast to say “marry yona” but wont consider the fact that he would be using her for her feelings towards him. How is that any better

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holy bulgy 06-12 04:36
💦 [Straight] Creampies & squirting ; wet AF dripping juices 04-27 04:35
Photo from best BJ 04-01 22:41
Photo from just random ig 05-11 20:08
Slurpy 03-31 06:14

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