Please do recommend manhwas where the ml falls for the fl first. Thank you UwU
2021-07-18 15:56 marked
Can anyone spoil me on what's gonna happen next? Please? (︶︿︶)
2021-02-07 15:23 marked
In Juliana’s room she speaks to these witches/sorceress using the water inside a small basin and the 3 ‘witches/sorceress’ look exactly like the "maids" who took care of Cecil when she was young.
They told Juliana that she can never beat Cecil. (Also the Great Sorceress was called "Cannabis" apparently)

Estian and Cecil don’t yk do the nasty, but she does wake up naked in the novel?? . Then at some point Richard becomes Cecil's guardian because Estian and Kane needs to go somewhere and she makes him bark like a dog and stuff to show that she’s got control over him (it’s really funny haha).

In the novel, Juliana and Cecil also have a bet where Juliana bets her status as a princess and it’s like they roll a dice and see who has the higher number. Juliana is like imma just cheat, but Cecil doesn’t cheat because her maids in the past told her that bets should be fair and then this magic shazam thing happens and long story short Juliana loses both her princess status and her powers.



The final pairings are:
Cecil and Estian
The Saint and Kane
Irene ans Richard
Tania ans Girgantia (dragon but in a human form) - this couple also ends up having twins that are like human/dragon hybrid kinda thing apparently
2021-01-17 16:11 marked
Do any of you have recommendations for me that are like this Webtoon? With a strong female lead ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
2021-01-16 05:27 marked
Y'all better memorize this - 4,11,21,28
2020-12-16 06:53 marked
i am and will always be a horny mf for yaoi manga end of discussion (≧∀≦)
2020-12-09 02:07 marked
Someone plz recommende me some bl manga or manhwa. Complete not ongoing
2020-11-26 14:50 marked
... Chpter 37....... Spoiler disccusion but just a minor one

2020-11-20 15:52 marked
I just found out there is a novel for this??? For those who read it completed? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I’m so excited to read it :D
2020-11-20 14:40 marked
Okay if you wanna read the novel, use the spanish translation and just use google chrome to translate it, the pronounce aren't correct most of the time and but still readable, it's pretty decent tbh.

this can be considered as a major spoiler.
sorry if my grammar is poor

So Isaac was being chased by his stepfather named Cole because Isaac was being treated as a traitor for not doing his mission, abandoned his comrades in the war and he has the files that contains all the corruption his stepfather did, 4 years ago Isaac has a special mission to kill Felix but things happened, he got into his first heat so isaac and felix had sex. The morning comes and Isaac did try to kill Felix but he hesitated tho he left him a wound and a broken arm.

back to the present, Benjamin and Isaac's mom was kidnapped by his stepfather, Isaac doesn't have a choice but to go, and Isaac did go to Cole's mansion alone, Isaac was blackmailed by Cole to drink the juice in the table or else his son and mother will be killed at any moment, Isaac does know that there's something in the juice but his family's life is more important so he drinks it, after Cole gotten the documents that has the evidence he's a fucking corrupt, Cole revealed that the juice Isaac drank has an effect where all of the inhibitors he consumed before coming will be out of effect now, Cole knew Isaac was omega so he did that, Isaac then felt that the juice he drank was taking effect now that he was having a symptoms similar to a heat. Isaac was raped by his stepfather, but Isaac did fought back, he stabbed Cole's face but in the end the mating was taking effect now, they we're in the process of being mates. (I was actually having a hard time reading this part, Isaac doesn't deserved this, and yes his real father was forced to mate with Cole since Cole raped Isaac's father and made him into his mate, Isaac's father died because Cole overly used his body while they're having sex and shits got out of controlled then he died)

but before the mating was complete, of course Felix came, he planted a gps into Isaac when they where in the plane (they did come together but isaac insisted that he will be the only one who going to Cole's mansion) Felix then saw what's happening and he immediately took action, once he gotten Isaac by his side and planst to kill Cole, Cole shouted that if he kills him Isaac will die too, Felix didn't understand and cole said that they were mates now, Felix looks at Isaac's nape and saw the marking is forming but it wasn't complete tho he went furious too why didn't Isaac just said he was an omega when he asked him about that but Isaac doesn't have the strength to answer him since he was struggling earlier to stop cole. Felix left the room with Isaac leaving cole alone, they settled in one of the studies and Felix placed Isaac on the couch.

After that Isaac managed to talk to Felix that what happened to his son Benjamin, Isaac said that Felix needs to save his son(he is referring to Felix here, he reveals that Benjamin is indeed his son), but Felix didn't quite get that, he asked Isaac if Bejamin was his son lol and Isaac then questioned him that he already knew about that Felix answered he have his speculation but he wasn't sure, then isaac revealed that he was the omega in heat he had sex before 4 years ago and Benjamin is indeed his son, again Felix was angry that Isaac was keeping the truth all along but Isaac doesn't have the time for that he plead Felix to rescue his mother and son, Felix give in but before he left the room he declared that both of them will be mates that Isaac will be Felix's omega, that's the only way to stop Cole's marking , to have another alpha pheromones surpass the other alpha pheromones that's getting inside the marking, Isaac agreed to it (he loved Felix from the start so), after Coles Pheromones subsides and the mark he left will not be completed as it keeps disappearing, he left isaac there in the room with his clothes covering him and goes straight to the underground of the mansion where Benjamin and Isaac's mother is confined.

Well of course everybody was safe, after Felix saved Benjamin and isaac's mother he quickly goes to Isaac who's in need now because now his heat has come, they had a lot of sex there and they mated, Felix proposed to Isaac, and they become mates.


I didnt include a lot of details but that's the major things happened in the novel, sorry if it's confusing af and some other parts is inaccurate but it still got the gist of what happened, and what i really wanted to see in the manhwa is Isaac badas moments in the novel, like using the riffle gun and hitting his target precisely isjewhhww
and Felix is so soft for Benjamin i love it, cant wait for it to be shown in the manhwa AAAAAAAAAA

That's it for the Vol 1 of the novel, and they got some extras too.
2020-11-09 06:34 marked
I jist finished the novel, that was a fucken ride
2020-11-07 19:30 marked
hellooooo as i promised in the 1st part i'm posting the rest of the spoilers now. for convenience sake, i'm posting it along w the 1st half for those who won't easily find the comment last time. if you did, skip ahead to part 2! enjoy!


after this scene (i think) is when derrick gives penelope the bracelet he bought for her the first time she went out to buy eclise. i think she met up with vinter for business and she was walking around the street when he found her. this scene was actually quite heart warming ?? nothing major really happened, but i just happened to remember this because derrick was being a tsundere that he threw the bracelet on the ground because she wouldn't accept it (if my memory is right)

penelope also gave the duke an item (i forgot what kind sorry but i think it was definitely an accessory), and it was enchanted with protection. it's not important for now but it saves his life in the near end. anyway, the duke was so happy he boasted the item to his sons and well, yeah, they got salty because them dipshits got none.

so skipping to the competition, boi when i tell you this was when i realized the prince was The One, i seriously mean it. i know we all have bad impressions of him after That One Scene, but i swear my life that it was already his worst scene. ok so major event here: they were attacked by assassins (i forgot who sent then) during the hunt, the crown prince as well, he gets poisoned, they kill assassins, she tries her best to treat him, she realizes she had powers (i'll talk about this later), penelope wins the hunting competition, and she gets the prize money. the money she gets from the competition is also the money she gets in her "in-game" system.

events after this were mainly focused on raising eclise's affection meter (like taking him out to town, punishing every knight who bullied him, bought him all kinda of stuff, all that stuff), completing missions with callisto (prince) or meeting up with vinter for business. in one of the missions with callisto, they were in an island and she saw this one woman who was looking at her and she was kinda suspicious. at this point of thr story, penelope was also quite rich on her own because a mines were given to her by the duke and the crown prince (i think they were emeralds and diamonds respectively)

i'll call penelope as penny from here on because i'm getting tired of typing her whole name it's too long for me.

before i forget, once a character's affection level rises to a certain number, penny won't see the characters' affection meter anymore. well, she can, but she has to pay a ridiculously incrementing high in game system money to see it.

i know the paragraphs above aren't that entertaining but congrats sisums i'm skipping to the fun part: yvonne's return

ayt listen up, before i get into this, i would like to apologize to eclise's fans out there, that man is shiT (and trust me i was devastated when i found out), i felt bad for him towards his end (yes you read that right he died). i mentioned earlier that a part of the manhwa was just penelope raising eclise's affection meter and it was really rising at a dangerous rate and at this point, he wad already obssessed with her. in contrast to what was actually supposed to happen, eclise brought yvonne back to the duchy (it should have been vinter but he knew smth wasn't right with yvonne so he hesitated) for the main reason that if penny had been kicked out, she would be forced to rely solely on him. he also betrayed a certain group of people, they were slaves escaping the country and he was in on the plan, but he exposed the to gain recognition.

long story short: eclise betrayed penny, so she just goes blank. like, a really blank face where she didn't care about anything anymore. the duke sees this and immediately orders his men to lock up eclise. at first, she doesn't understand why he does this, but he tells her about her blank face and she made that face before. he was right to do this, og penny actually died from this state, its why the new penny's soul was brought in to inhabit her body.

eclise breaks out of prison a few times to see penny but our girl just refuses to take him back because of the betrayal, but he continues to beg. in conclusion: eclise was entirely obssessed with her but she abandons him at this point of the story, and she reminds him of it again at a later time.

so yvonne is back in the castle, nothing wrong with her yet, just your usual "hu hu i think my sister hates me hu hu i just wanna be close to her" kind of person. she visits penny in her greenhouse and this bitch trips on her own, and rennald sees this and assumes that penny pushed her. so yeah, shit hits the fan, painful words were thrown again (from penny's side of course) and she really tells rennald how disappointed she is with him and all that. it's a really intense scene, so look forward to it! of course, he again tries to apologize like the attic scene, but she just wouldn't have any of his shit.

moving on, days before penny until moments exactly before her party, she tries to convince the duke to cancel it because of yvonne's return, but he refused saying they could celebrate her after her party and that he wanted to give her the best party. she was also starting to slowly distance herself ftom the duke (yall my heart really hurt for this one) and she starts calling him by this title instead of "father". he apologizes for the way he raised her, he admitted that he wasn't a good father to her or his sons, but he really did love her and didn't consider as a replacement for yvonne, which was genuinely true. he let her get away with a lot of things, when he gave her crossbow back, it was enchanted with a spell that makes you forget who shot you so if she decides to shoot another noble, the duke is literally saying go ahead just don't get caught, he gave her large amounts of money when she wanted them because jewelry made her happy, and the list goes on. he might not have been the best, but he definitely loved penny.

yvonne wasn't allowed to attend penelope's party because her existence had to be announced and if she was introduced during penny's party, then all attention would shift to yvonne and they will be reminded that penny was a fake daughter. but idk, that shit didn't transmit to derrick's dumbass fucking brain so he brings her along. if its not obvious, i really hate this guy, which is ironic because he was my fave when i started this novel. but i also don't blame a lot of the characters who were following yvonne's plan because as i said earlier, smth's wrong with her.

penny actually repeatedly rejects callisto (i was feeling rlly bad for him tbh) up to this point because she believed that she would naturally lose him to yvonne and since she was about to die anyway, she commits suicide at her own party.


so the party goes relatively smooth, some interactions with rennald and kallisto (maybe with vinter as well but i can't really remember well), and now it's time for a toast. well, shit went 0 to 100 real quick. penny was wearing this necklace artifact that detects poison when its directly near one, and it just so happened that the cup yvonne was about to drink in penny's and it was poisoned. so she sees the necklace change color, but she pushes on and drinks the poisoned drink anyway, but vinter actually witnesses the whole scene, from her seeing the necklace change color to her knowing he was there watching her drink that poison.

so yeah, she actually nearly died from this. if you asked, i would actually say that she did die, but she didn't sooo. while she was coughing out blood and all that fiasco, there was a pop up window (with a countdown) offering her to exit the game. she was trying to reach out to press yes but godDAMN someone pulled her back and cradled her body so the countdown ended and she was forced into the secret ending/route (spicY I KNOW)

penny faints, and we find out that it was actually kallisto who got to her first when she collapsed (yes he was the one who pulled her away) and he was shouting for help, but vinter was carrying an antidote (before yall get sus abt him, he didn't know that she was going to be poisoned, he just brings an antidote with him all the time in case if emergency, he's objectively the worst and the mvp character of the game tbh but we'll get to that later on). derrick gets seriously reprimanded (slapped even) by the duke because, yeah, he brought yvonne to the party and she was listed as a suspect to her poisoning. it was so bad that the duke entrusted the investigation to vinter, an outsider, rather than the heir and eldest son of the family, derrick. he doesn't even realize that she could have died from his actions until a doctor had to actually say that he was dying. he didn't believe that she was dying, just pretending to die ti get attention, but don't get too mad at him because he was under yvonne's charm spell shit or wtv she calls it, but he eventually snaps out of it and realizes what he did.

while penny's body was unconscious, her soul or mind was in this black empty space and the pop up window from before was in front of her again. she kept trying to exit the game, but it won't let her because she apparently 'entered the secret route'. BUT! the game offers her a prize, once she completes the game, she won't just die and disappear, she can go back to the real world. then the game shows her what was happening in the real world. she was in coma with stomach cancer and her dad was about to fly to united states because they heard that a doctor there was capable of this surgery and that he was ready to beg to cure his daughter. her brothers were there with her, regretting everything they did to her, saying that they didn't expect her to stay stubborn and work multiple jobs while studying college and starving, instead of going home to them. i'm going to say it now, the translation of the novel i read didn't offer any other scenes of her real world fam even after the last chapter i read. i'm not sure if the last chapter i read was rlly the last chapter, but this was the last scene where they were mentioned (so yeah folks yall got it, she cleared it and stayed in it)

after that scene, the game shows its intro again, BUT PAY ATTENTION YALL BC ITS CRUCIAL, ITS "YVONNE"'S STORY (yall read it right, "yvonne" and not yvonne). so the game goes back to its ancient times and they show this particular race called the Leyla. they were once this powerful race who mainly dealt with (evil? dark?) magic. they were mainly considered as an evil race, so this other race had to seal them for good. they were called the ancient wizards i think? but they didn't know that one leyla survived from that event, she was "yvonne". her real name wasn't revealed throughout the novel, so i'll just call her "yvonne". so "yvonne" here survived the whole ordeal and so she plans to take over the kingdom to bring back the race.

so yes yvonne is dead and "yvonne" took over her body. she never mentioned what happened during this time, but all we know is that yvonne was already dead for a while now.

there was a reason why penny always hated "yvonne", an instinctual one in fact. it was revealed that penny was a descendant of the ancient wizard race, which explains why she can use magic, and she naturally hated "yvonne" because she was a leyla.

going to the present-ish of all timelines, we all know that penny is supposed to die and that's when the game decides that "yvonne" wins the otome game, and it immediately resets right after. vinter is the one responsible for this reset, he finds out too late the truth about "yvonne" in every run of the game, so whenever penny dies, he immediately resets it but he doesn't remember what happens, so it becomes a cycle until og penny's soul couldn't handle the repeated damage on her soul so she eventually died and was replaced by the new penny.

after all this information, the scene moves back to penny's unconscious body. kallisto stayed with her majority of the time and was begging for her to live. but when penny eventually wakes up (it didn't take that long tbh i think it was about a day or so, she started to recover at a fast rate at some point of her watching the game's intro). she goes down to this basement like room where there was an incinerator (i could have remembered it wrong but there was definitely fire in that room) and she coincidentally met eclise there. so as usual, he still begs, but penny just leaves him there, saying that it was his fault that she died and that he caused her death himself. after penny leaves, "yvonne" comes in but eclise just gets agitated and chokes her, but she appeases him by presenting him with a new plan. if he kills kallisto, then penny would surely go back to him, she says.

some time later, penny goes around looking at the walls again because she was trying to escape and fulfill her mission in the game. rennald sees her and begs her not to at first, but he conceded. he helps her plan her escape, saying that she should use as much money as she can on guards and inns to guarantee her safety.

so penny eventually leaves the duchy by ship where she meets up with kallisto and his men. so they all go on the mission together. while this was happening, rennald drank every night (in sadness of course) because penny finally left while derrick was on a literal treasure hunt looking for her. when she finishes a part of her mission (i think this was when she received her staff ?), derrick finds her and tries to bring her back. this was a really intense scene as well like the attic scene w rennald. but penny just rips a teleportation scroll right in front of his face, he was quite devastated and it was really satisfying to read. it was actually suspected that he had actual feelings for penny but never acted on them, but rennald's were purely platonic.

kallisto and penny gets ambushed by eclise (i think he was on a dragon in this ambush) and his men under "yvonne"'s command. eclise attempts to kidnap by bringing her on the dragon, but she just jumps off and kallsito catches her. they survive this ambush and they rush back to the duchy.

when they get there, the duchy was already under attack i think? and i think some of the servants were also under a spell, i don't remember this scene quite well. but generally, they survive this ambush as well, but the duke gets swallowed and taken away by a dragon (or maybe just a monster or smth). so they start planning on how to save him. this scene was really funny bc after some time, the duke just walks back to the manor saying he's alright while they were all panicking. he was saved by the accessory penny gave him (refer back to the 1st half of this spoiler) because it was enchanted with protection. he's genuinely safe, he wasn't brainwashed by "yvonne" or anything like i originally thought.

so they set out to the castle where penny, kallisto, "yvonne", eclise, and vinter was there too i think, have their final showdown. i don't remember this part very well because it mainly consisted of them fighting off "yvonne" and some monsters, but eclise dies protecting penny (sorry to his fans i really can't remember this scene well). so yeah that's about it, penny finally defeats "yvonne" and the leyla's weren't coming back anymore, the end.

unfortunately i haven't read the ending story (it was separated from the translated version i read), but penny and kallisto had a daughter named judith. normally, she shouldn't be able to inherit the throne because she was a woman, but kallisto changes the norm and announces judith as his successor.

so that's it for the spoilers !! sorry if i didn't deliver it quite well and detailed as i would have wanted to but come on give me some credit the novel was actually 210+ chapters and i can only go off by memory. so yeah, i hope you had fun reading this!
2020-11-07 19:11 marked

It turns out that MC is actually part of the original Penelope. The original Penelope went through the story and died through the scheme of the villainess. When the ML figure out that the heroine was actually the villain, it was too late cause Penelope (the only one who could stop her) was dead (they killed her). Feeling so sad that they lost all hope of defeating the villainess, the white hair wizard dude, used a forbidden magic to turn back time so Penelope can defeat villainess. This causes the white hair dude to be stuck in a time/space prison as punishment. HOWEVER! Penelope keeps getting mistreated again and dies again. The wizard dude of that timeline then repeats this cycle and reverse time for Penelope to try and defeat the villainess. Penelope repeats the story time and time again and dies and dies again so much that her soul literally broke into pieces. A small part of her soul went to the modern world to become current MC's past life.

I mean, this is just MESSED UP! They caused her death and then realize that she was the key to saving them so they try to reverse time only to have her keep suffering the abuse time and time again to the point where her soul couldn't handle it and broke into pieces. The wizard dude literally just saw her as a tool. I say he deserves his punishment and should suffer even more.

(Also the white wizard isnt able to go back in time with MC, so he essentally isnt able to change anything after sending her back. Therefore the story just repeats with everyone not changing their attitudes and actions at all. He kind of hopes that things will just be different BUT they didnt and Penelope kept getting abused and killed over and over.)

Breaks my heart at the first soul Penelope who was in so much pain and sadness that her soul was literally shattered. RIP. Don't forgive anyone, if they did something bad enough that requires your forgiveness then it should in fact be bad enough that it should not be forgivable.
2020-11-07 19:10 marked
Will the mature version get english translations °-°?
2020-11-05 15:11 marked
now that chapter 153’s been posted, i can FINALLY share this link w/ u all, AHHHHH, I’M SO HAPPYYYYY

( note: this wasn’t included in the original manhua bc of censorship, but this was posted on the official artist’s weibo for 520, sooo they’re basically canon now~ )
2020-11-05 14:59 marked
Can someone give a me a list of BL manhwa/manga with big tidies (▰˘◡˘▰)
2020-11-03 13:48 marked
Does anyone know any yaoi manga that have crossdresser boy or maybe boy that likes to wear girl clothes or underwear (=・ω・=)
Thank you
2020-11-03 13:48 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-10-21 04:47 marked
Spoil me please someone send me the link to the novel
2020-10-14 15:47 marked

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