For those who are interested, the electronic version of the raws (5 chap + 1 extra) can be purchased at this link https://www.cmoa.jp/title/168011/
Account registration is needed, but it is very easy especially if you use google translate (I just linked my gg account). A lot of international payment types are accepted too. Each chap costs around $1. There is also an 50% off coupon that comes with every new registration.
Happy reading!

This is absolutely precious. It is agonizing but still full of soft and tender moments, which depicts the adolescence so well.
I usually do not like high school romance as my jaded soul finds it hard to relate to the over-the-top innocence found in most of them. Everything in this manga is executed so delicately, I find the character’s thoughts so relatable regardless of their age and the setting.
The main characters are good people. Seto is a thoughtful and kind kid; I believe he will be able to help his friend and make their relationship right again, regardless of whether it will be romantic or not.

Why the need for the last panel? I don't care about the fan war and enjoy Haesoo and Joowon's arc, but that panel even left bad taste in my mouth. Fan war nonsense aside, that was plainly disrespectful to the Baekdam and Youngha, the character's creators.

I wouldn’t have complained if this was a private group, but this is still a public website. There are people here who like, dislike, or even are indifferent about the characters. When we click on the story, we want to read the story, not someone’s opinion about a character (that’s what the comments are for). Yes, this is an illegal website, but common etiquette is not too much to ask for. Not having money does mean I don’t have manner or respects for others. Uploaders are appreciated, but they should not use their uploading to spread negativity. Imagine next week some uploader posts the same picture with Joowon blurred out. It is just gonna be an endless hate cycle.

*Make that “whoopa!’’ Chandler’s noise*
Just read 7 chapters in one go, and I really love how the plot is simple yet the characters are so chaotic and funny. Not sure if there are mysteries (?) intended to be solved—e.g., why the change in personality, or where the sweet smell is from, etc., or they are just details to be taken at face value. But I hope the plot will continue to be kept simple. It is the characters that makes the story really shine.
And I know they are only hs students, but man I am so sexually frustrated for them. That bite mark is asdfgn! This is not M-rated, so unfortunately there won’t be any smut *cry in my frustration* ╥﹏╥
LOL i finally knew where the lecherous face meme comes from
Which chapter and panel?
it’s chapter 2 when he made that funny face looking at the other guy lol