I definitely rooted for Carsein, they were my main ship for sure, but I can't say that Im disappointed in Tia ending with Ruve. Ruve is not the same as he was in Tia's first life, he deserves a chance. He has never mistreated her in the second life, and he seems capable to make her happy. I don't really care anymore who she ends up with, I just hope she'll be happy.
Ngl I don't give a shit about any of the male characters except for Kieran omgggggg he's so handsome and caring and cool, my heart can't take it

Honestly I don't see why so many people have a problem with them. Isn't it pretty comparable to childhood friends falling in love? The age gap is only like 6 years, and thats not much, especially not considering how its appropriate for even 12 year olds to get married (referring to Estelle's green haired friend)
Personally I think they fit each other very well. The status gap was my only problem, I kept thinking that considering status it would be best for her to marry the prince. But during the chapter where Roy and Emiel were arguing, they vaguely mentioned something about Emiel's past status or family situation so Idk lol
Either way, I ship Estelle and Emiel so hard!!!!!!!!!

That kiss was so precious I started smiling creepily at my phone before realizing how weird I looked. Bro imagine how excited we all get if they kiss each other on the mouth lol
I also think that darkclaude (Idk how to spell his name) may want to be closer with Jeanette since she's his daughter. In a few panels he said something like "how annoying" or "who does she take after" and how he removed the magic array(?) on the snow globe too. It could be that or its just so he can use her as a pawn. Either way, I don't want her to be acknowledged by Claude.
I have never cried this much before please let them be happy together, dude my heart hurts so f*cking much