My admiration to his character... that I cannot explain. People can tell me "yeah because he is toxic" and "there's nothing to love about him", if I cannot explain why Joowon is my bet. I already know that. It's hard to explain something, my admiration or hatred to someome- in words and when it seems like everyone is AGAINST IT, being a Joowon stan is a struggle. Y'all be thinking, "Is this sis olay for stanning a toxic dude?". Trust me honey, I am okay.
Knowing his ROUGH childhood days made me entirely more fond of his character. Why? Because that's a beauty of very "messed up and fucked up" characters (that some people label him). Beauty? Yes. A chance to either do a 360 turn-over of his entire life. Maybe he'll get his shit together for the better? Maybe he'll act up even more? Who knows? At the end of the day, my hopes goes with Joowon letting go and positively moving forward away from Haesoo. He needs that.
The beauty of reading a manga isn't just hoping for someone to end up with someone, or for some toxic dude to stay the fuck away from someone.. It's not just someone getting together and TADA, moving on. For this manga, I hope thaf the beauty of Joowon's character focuses on his growth from having bad characteristics.
We ain't just saying "better.. healthy... JW" and forget his toxicity. No. There are many people who acknowledges this and are still hoping for a chance. We don't just disregard his behaviours. He did them and he must facr consequences. Now, we hope for a moving on period.
I cannot really explain why he is my favorite. One thing for sure, I wanted him and HS as an endgame, but as I said, tides are shifting. If I want a BETTER and HEALTHIER JOOWON, he then home boy gotta love himself and know his shit, then swerve lanes AWAY from HS.
And this is all coming from a person how's all for Joowon. I used to BEG for JW and HS to be an endgame, but... if you ask me... Joowon's character development or JW and HS as endgame. I'll surely choose the first one.
What y'all think? All opinions and shits are welcome here, as long as y'all are not RUDE.
2020-07-16 06:03 marked
Hiiiii Let’s be friendss (●'◡'●)ノ I’m new here so would be nice to make friends :))
2020-04-14 14:19 marked
A rant focusing on Joowon!