What’s empowering to women depends on the woman, if u as a straight women find stories about mlm and their sexual relationships empowering good for u ig, but like what was the liberating part for u, I’m curious 3 reply
Yaoi isn’t made by straight women for straight women, it’s made mainly by women and consumed mainly by women, but straight women in the yaoi community tend to fetishized mlm, that’s why they complain, the genre is fine, u reading the works in the genre are fine, it’s when u start fetishizing actual mlm is when it becomes a problem. reply
I hate how Cologne bologna and Colonel are spelled as if it’s not a crime against humanity, I hate silent letters, why not take them out entirely, I also hate how there’s a collective word for everything else I.e parents, cousins, siblings, but not one for nephews and nieces or aunts and uncles reply
Hmmm Idk maybe cuz ppl found comfort or enjoyment in these stories, not to mention that this is the only website some ppl know of to read these works reply